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Fabrice Weise

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  1. Hello, Few days ago I received a mail with the new price settings. It was a no-reply mail and forwarding my question to the general inbox mail didn't give any answer. Evernotes new price is by average what we pay every month for the Disneys, Googles and Netflixes of this world with that differance when i have a problem i can reach them. When you pay 10 € a month for a service you could expect at least some chatbox to drop your questions. Since 2017 i'm using Evernote and I have already more than 4.000 notes and I use it on a daily basis, BUT I miss some features that are really easy to implement but not seem to come. Ok, there is some bragging about the magnificient AI and the vibrant colors and all other improvements we may expect, but untill now, it's only been words. The same words we heard when they updated to version 10 (you know: maybe you don't see the changes but in the background we changed a lot). That's all nice marketing talk, but this still don't meets my demands why I use evernote. Evernote was especially my major tool while using Filterize. For most of my normal notes I only had to use the correct # and the magic was done behind the scenes. Since Filterize is not more working I find myself every saterdaymorning labeling my notes dragging them in the right notebook and making the same mistakes I did before since the labeling isn't consistent. So, I don't know who will read this, but I would like to know where this story is going, for the 120+ euro a month, I expect something more that what I'm using now.
  2. I would like to pin at least 1 or maybe a few notes in a notebook. In every notebook I made a ToC and it would be great if this note could always be my first note in the notebook (kind of “favorite”)
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