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Posts posted by skellam

  1. Long time evernote user since the app was first released.  Have loved it since then and been a paying user and apologist for EN with friends and family.  Haven't been on the forums for a while but v10 finally has worn me down.  It's unusable.  I never contemplated leaving EN in the past but have now exported all my notes and moved to Joplin.   Sure, it's open source and has some flaws but it has a simple, clean interface.  No feature bloat.  Finally, I'm able to use markdown natively in the app and any editor that I want to.   The web clipper to me does a great job and provides simple way to capture and tag content from the web.  A couple issues I had with being able to scan into the app and email into the app were resolved with open-source solutions.  I can store my data wherever I want to including Dropbox or even Nextcloud on my home NAS.  I can finally implement end-to-end encryption.   It's been a great run with EN but time to move on.    Hard to believe a company would release such a disastrous upgrade and force long-time loyal users off their platform.  




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  2. Thanks for those tips.  I'll give that a try and see how that works for me. 

    Another trick I found was to use the companion program gnsync, I put this in my crontab

    gnsync --path /home/stephen/texfiles --mask "*.tex" --logpath /home/stephen/gnlogs.log -t

    That puts a synchronized directory that does a two-way sync with evernote every 5 minutes and keeps everything up to date so I can work on the files in evernote or on my linux desktop with vim.


  3. I sent a request to activate a developer api token last week through the web forms and another one this morning.  I have not heard back from developer support.  I want to get a key to use the GeekNote app for command line access to evernote.   From what I can see on thewebsite for the github fork of Geeknote, I need to request a developer token from evernote support.   The webpage last week said to expect a response within 24-48 hours.  Is there another wait to get in touch to get access to a developer token for geeknote for my account?  Thanks!


  4. Alright, this should be fixed. It's possible you'll see your missing emails pop up, so let us know if/when you do. If they don't appear, try to resend the emails, but this issue should be fixed. Thanks all for reporting!

    As I rely on e-mail forwarding quite a bit in my daily activities and is one of my main uses of Evernote, I think a little more explanation than this is warranted about the cause of this and steps being taken to detect/prevent similar occurrences in the future.

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  5. Alright, this should be fixed. It's possible you'll see your missing emails pop up, so let us know if/when you do. If they don't appear, try to resend the emails, but this issue should be fixed. Thanks all for reporting!

    Still not working for me. Sent email to account 15 min ago and did not appear in my EN account.

  6. Has anyone else had an issue with forwarding emails to themselves from gmail, aol and outlook?

    I noticed this morning that several e-mails that I forwarded to my EN account were not showing up. I have sent several since then to try to reproduce the problem and these e-mails never appeared in my account either. Never had a problem before with lost forwarded e-mails.

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