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Everything posted by s-g-k

  1. It seems like real italic fonts are missing from all of the embedded fonts in the new version of Evernote. Instead, there is a slanted "oblique" version when you make a text italic. Is this on purpose? Will there be a fix? The bold fonts seem to be the real deal.
  2. Is there any plan to re-introduce the "open new main window" feature that was in the legacy mac version? Multiple main window instances are very handy for working on research across multiple notebooks and allows you to do multiple searches in parallell. Right now, I have to leave my current workflow/window to search or reference another note, then backtrack! This unfortunately often takes me out of flow and the experience of using Evernote feels jagged and choppy. I am trying my best to get on board with the move to an Electron-based app, but a lot of the very basic features (free from the OS) and native snappines that made Evernote a treat to work in, are missing.
  3. I am running: `10.6.9-mac-mas-public (458440)` And I am also having this issue. It seems like in-app window management is an electron issue. Perhaps the Evernote developers could help fix this? This is a major pain point. Much like not being able to open multiple main windows.
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