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Ben Miller

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Everything posted by Ben Miller

  1. I was wanting to do a similar thing. I wanted my notebooks and notes to follow the below. Stack = Company, Notebook = State, Note = Project. Company1 (stack) Changes Pending (notebook) Project1 (note) Project2 (note) Complete (notebook) Project1 (note) Project2 (note) Company2 (stack) Changes Pending (notebook) Project1 (note) Project2 (note) Complete (notebook) Project1 (note) Project2 (note) This thread helped me start thinking outside of the box though. I'm still not sure I will like this, but I am going to try it. Notebook = State, Note = Project, Tag = Company. This should help prevent me from having to organize company structure as much and help me look at the bigger picture instead of getting hung up on a single Company (but still lets me filter to a specific company when needed). Changes Pending (notebook) Project1 (note) [company tag] Project2 (note) [company tag] Complete (notebook) Project3 (note) [company tag] Project4 (note) [company tag] Side Note - A downside to this method and another reason why the OP's idea might not be something you want to poopoo is that if I now want to share all of a single company's notes to said company. I have no easy way to do that. This is why Company = Notebook is a good method, but doesn't work for me. I know that I could do Tag = State, but a tag is not something I HAVE to do, so I could forget and end up with an orphaned note. I HAVE to put a note in a notebook, so it works better for State, in my workflow because I cannot then easily make a note with no State.
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