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Everything posted by vilmosz

  1. Also having this issue - flickering and unable to navigate. 10.68.3 Sonoma 14.1.2 MacBook Pro.
  2. I have tried every which way to export my notes from Evernote. I have around 6k notes in a large notebook. I have tried splitting up the notebook into smaller ones, but there is a 100 note limit when I try to do that and that would obviously take a lot of time. Any solutions? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
  3. So hello Evernote staff: Why are we getting this error? I opened a ticket and went through the steps you indicated and still getting the error. Why are we unable to export our notes?
  4. I have made multiple efforts on multiple computers to export my notes and each effort I get the error: "Failed to Export Notes There was a problem and we couldn’t export your notes. Please try again." I've also tried this with Evernote legacy with no success. Can anyone recommend a solution? MacOS: 13.5 (22G74) Evernote: 10.59.5-mac-ddl-public (5236) Editor: v174.13.3 Service: v1.70.3 © 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  5. I don't see it. And trying to export from the current version I just get fail fail fail no matter which computer I'm on.
  6. (Version 7.14.1 (458325 Direct) / Editor: 69.3.10951 (15add1e)) I'm trying to export all my data. For exporting Notebooks, I've tried the following: Checked the menu Checked the three dots near the tab Right clicked on the notebook itself I've tried in the current version but it keeps failing, so I am trying to do it in Legacy as this is a known stable version, I believe. Thank you.
  7. Are you referring to a one-year trial? Or are you referring to one year at the doubled-subscription price?
  8. I agree with the sentiment. I was equally surprised and am ready to move on. Anyone who accuses you of not being grateful for having had a "low" subscription fee until now is missing the point - over 15 years you have proven your support and loyalty to Evernote and don't owe anyone an apology for being disappointed in this exorbitant price increase.
  9. I just received a notification from my credit card company indicating that Evernote billed me twice my normal subscription fee this year. Going through my emails, I see ONE email from Evernote regarding this price change - it was sent less than 30 days in advance of being charged this surprising and exorbitant renewal fee. Unfortunately, this email was not slotted into my Important inbox and the only way I discovered this was via my credit card statement. One email sent less than 30 days in advance of the subscription fee change is not consistent with the experience I have with other trusted vendors. I should note that I have been a paying Evernote user for 13 years, hence my disappointment. As I find other services are ramping up their offerings for no charge or for more reasonable fees, it may be time for a strategy to move on to greener pastures.
  10. Is there some known issue that explains how 1,293 random notes ended up in Trash? I use Evernote 10.57.10 on a Macbook Air with an M1 chip and OS Ventura 13.4.
  11. Often, I prefer to have a single note popped out on my screen (particularly when I am in a Zoom meeting and don't want to accidentally expose my Notes list). But there is no way to open a new main window? When will this be addressed?
  12. I've been saving receipts in a notebook and now they need to organize them and submit them I see that some receipts are added as attachments and others appear directly in the Note as images. What a mess -- if I download the notes to PDF, only the ones with images will appear in the exported PDF -- the ones with attachments will show up as blank. In a previous version of Evernote it appears that there was an option that once the Notes were highlighted, there was a Save Attachments button. I don't see that anymore. Which means i have save each INDIVIDUAL attachment???? Please advise a shortcut.
  13. I create a note - instead of opening the note, it simply adds an "Untitled" note to my list view but it opens the note underneath.
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