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Posts posted by sophiebeanzee

  1. Hello again. I've forget if I've had any issues or questions w my iPad so I forget if I've already mentioned the general info for my iPad but I'll mention it again just in case I didn't. I'm using a 7th gen iPad and I've downloaded the EN note taking app, along w Penultimate on my iPad. About a half hour ago, I had moved a note file into the synced file for Penultimate on the app for windows 10 and I did this so I could access the file on Penultimate. After I did this I went back on the iPad to the Penn... app and I clicked the app to start up but it quit and crashed on me, I don't believe it even closed out the app it just crashed. So I tapped on it again and it gave me the "app had crashed would you like to report this error.." not the exact words but something very similar so I clicked this and then I couldn't even get to the page where I could report the error it just did the same thing again and crashed. So then I decided to close out both the EN app and the Penul... app and force restarted the iPad and logged back on once it started up again. Opened up the penul... app first and this time it went to the log in screen I typed in my account login info all correct, double checked to make sure it was correct, and told me it was the wrong password. Then I tried once more said the same thing so I went to the note I have written down for the password on my iPhone to make sure it was correct, sure enough it was. And I checked the email to make sure that was correct as well and it was. So I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Should I make a new account? Change passwords? Change email? The account seems to be working fine on the EN app for windows 10 so I don't think it's the account that's the issue. But if anyone has had the same problem and has fixed it, or just has general suggestions please lmk!!!

  2. Hello. I apologize if I’ve posted this I forget if i have cause I’ve used this help forum so much 😂 but anyways, I was wondering does anyone know if you can import things to the pennultimate app for the iPad? I wanted to import a file from my google drive but when I clicked the “send copy to” a specific app the pennultimate app never showed up and idk if this is a bug on my iPad or if it’s the app but if anyone has any updates let me know! 

  3. On 7/7/2020 at 10:13 AM, CalS said:

    God no!  Haven’t been in a grocery store in years, dearly beloved handled that in the separation of duties. I do tech better so I get the on line shopping duties.  With over the shoulder help of course. 

    w what you just said, this is actually a good idea of having separate shopping duties. Since my bf and I have really bad anxiety going anywhere we might as well both just stick to online shopping 😂😅🙄

    • Like 1
  4. On 7/7/2020 at 7:20 AM, gazumped said:

    You liked shopping?  I hate crushes,  I... dislike crowds,  and the endless traffic jams of folks who probably only meet once a week in the shop but must pause to have a chat....  Let's just say that online is quiet,  quick and -apart from the 30 minutes of activity while we put everything away when it's delivered,  I find it most appealing.  Apart from the time they delivered an important bottle of liquid with a no-tamper cap firmly in place.  A little web searching resolved that pretty quickly,  but still! 

    (We now check those bottles before the driver gets to leave!)

    I felt this so much, literally I don't do anything outside the house unless it's w my bf because I just don't like the gen pop. And this might be because of my anxiety/social anxiety but still if it's not that then maybe I just hate being around people they weird me out😂

    • Haha 1
  5. On 7/6/2020 at 6:12 PM, CalS said:

    A contrarian view.  I don't think EN is the place for things like grocery lists, particularly if you share the list with someone.  Just not as easy as a standalone app.  Our household started with Wunderlist and morphed to Microsoft To Do.  One shared list, maintainable from about any platform, press the square box and the item drops off the list. 

    EN works fine for single item purchase stuff.  And I do use EN for all my to do items using the reminder functionality.  Over 2,000 notes have had or currently have a reminder at this point.  That bit works well for my use case, but not grocery lists.

    I'm not sure if you saw the comment I just posted in someone else's response but I do agree w you. I've found an easier app to organize my grocery list and that's the issue I ran across was sharing the list w others. But don't get me wrong, I do love to use EN tho haha

  6. On 7/6/2020 at 9:28 AM, DTLow said:

    I like that concept; the list of notes becomes the shopping list filtered by whatever criteria (like store)

    I'm interested in details on the shortcut
    I also use applescript on my Mac

    >>I keep a notebook call purchases

    I use minimal notebooks
    I prefer tags; multiple tags can be assigned to a note

    I actually posted this question in the EN reddit community and someone suggested me an app called OurGroceries and it's actually a really great app especially for those like me who want their list organized into categories. I highly recommend it for grocery lists.

  7. On 7/6/2020 at 8:34 AM, charlieedstrom said:

    Consider this; don't use a single list. I keep a notebook call purchases. In it is a note for each item I am considering purchasing. I will compare websites for an item and where I could get the best deal. I'll put links to the item in the note.  I also use the tags to tag the store where I would purchase them. Or I may just clip the page and put it in that note so I know the store sku number and maybe the aisle its in. If I am in the area of a store, I search for that tag to see if there was something I wanted to purchase there. Consequently, I also have a shortcut on my phone that allows me to quickly add an item to that notebook of something that I need to purchase later or research for purchase. (Really useful since I have a child headed to college)

    Otherwise, you could look at any EN or non-EN shopping list and replicate it in EN easily.

    That's actually not a bad idea! I'm a student in college right now but I'm still living w my parents. I asked this question because my family is always needing things from the store (not sure why cause there's only four of us but I guess we run out really quickly 😂🙄) but anyways, because of this issue my parents are always running to the store and my dad has to work from home now cause of the pandemic and has been for a couple of months now. So he's always the one who orders the food online (well the majority of the time, if he's busy my mom does it) but both of them usually forget something on the grocery list and then they end up having to order it again or going out and getting it while they're getting their own things. It does become slightly frustrating, and ik if I'm slightly frustrated at all they must be too so I'm just trying to figure out a way to make this running back and forth easier so everyone is at least in a decent mood whoever gets home from the store. 

  8. On 7/15/2020 at 11:00 AM, DTLow said:

    This would be Evernote's table feature which can be useful for formatting a note

    >>"when is the last time something like this has happened" 

    fwiw  I have a general tracking note that includes an embedded spreadsheet


    This is about 1 page long and 50 years wide
    It includes a health section with notes


    I would have an "unusual pain" entry

    The entries can be simple text, or links to more detailed notes

    Thank you!! I'm sure you don't mind but I'll ask anyways just in case, do you mind if I put these into my notes and edit it so that it fits what I want to put down?

  9. On 7/15/2020 at 10:53 AM, CalS said:

    Quite a ways back I created a spreadsheet where I tracked all doctors appointments and key events like shots, out of the ordinary tests (colonoscopy anyone) and the like.  But for one offs I tend to create notes with tables.  Recent example I bunged up my knee and some work done.  The Dr. and PT are always asking pain level which I won't remember from one day to the next.  So I created a note with a table in it where I assess the past week.  Easier for me to respond now.  IAC

    1. If you have something in particular your are tracking I would create a table in a note and track it there.  Columns could be date, location, activity at the time, ordinal scale if a pain related thing.
    2. If general purpose tracking, I would create a table in a note to track it.  Columns could be like those above.
    3. Really anything to be tracked works well in a table with date as one of the columns.

    This is also very helpful! That is what my concern was in going to my PT person. I recently got referred to her again so I'll be going soon, nor sure when though my mom and I are waiting on the referral. But like you, she's always asking what kind of pain am I having, where is it since I have multiple pain related areas from past surgeries/recoveries/injuries etc...and questions like that and I can never remember what or where or how bad the pain was. It's also hard to keep track of the meds I'm taking as well. Ik what they're called, but I never remember the dosage and then ofc there's the pain killer meds as well so I never remember when or how often I take those considering I'm in pain most of the time (thankfully not at the current moment I'm typing this) So I'll put these in my notes as well. Thanks again!

    • Like 1
  10. On 7/15/2020 at 7:13 AM, gazumped said:

    Hi.  This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum,  and Evernote has users around the world,  so 'early' is relative - it's midday here forinstance but I'm just logging on.

    As a basic user you can't use 'save as a template',  but you could create a note and either save it with the title/ tag 'template' to duplicate when/ if you need it,  or export it to your Windows desktop.  Click that 'ENEX' file to add a new note with the same layout.

    As to content,  I'd start with:

    • What - was the event;  pain / swelling / ache / rash / tenderness
    • When - did it happen;  dates / times
    • Where - on the body;  left shoulder / right foot etc
    • How Bad - scale of 1 to 10;  annoying to excruciating 
    • Comments - anything relevant;  what you did to treat / alleviate / deal with the issue.

    When something happens,  add that note to a specific notebook reserved for these comments,  with the title "<date> - event" using yyyymmdd for the date (so they sort in date order)

    Show it to your doctor,  and see whether he's got any more suggestions for useful content.

    - All of which is just a suggestion.  See if it works for you.  Usually when I have to go see a doctor everything goes out of my head and despite spending a while before the appointment trying to remember a list of symptoms,  I don't get past the first one...

    Hope you get better / stay well - and stay safe out there!  :)

    Hey my bad I had forgotten I posted this and I just checked it. thank you very much for the suggestion that helped a lot! I'll have to write these down on my iPad I think this will be very helpful for the future. And thank you! I hope I get better too :) You stay safe as well!

    • Like 1
  11. Hello everyone. I've researched this issue I'm having and I found a forum on it from quite a while ago I think from 2014 and under, but I saw people were requesting this feature and I would like to know if there have been any updates to this. I'm trying to import a PDF file from my iCloud into Penultimate. I'm using the iPad 7th gen if that helps at all and I believe I have the latest update of Penultimate. I was originally trying to import my notebook from the EN iPad app into the Penultimate but I couldn't find a way to do this either. If anyone has any answers to both of these issues please let me know!

  12. Hello everyone. It is really early in the morning so I wouldn't expect anyone to answer right away so no worries if you don't see it until later. I was wondering, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, it's basically a reg checkup. I wanted to create a template in EN on PC, I'm using windows 10. I was wondering what kind of info would you suggest putting on there? My doctor asks the normal questions usually, so I was thinking about putting those sort of questions on there so I have it all ready to go and I don't need to remember/think hard about for example "when is the last time something like this has happened" etc.... but this doctors appointment, is also not really a normal checkup essentiallyy because I've been having a lot of unusual pain recently, and so w that being said I want to set up some sort of chart, and I want to do this w EN's chart system, but I'm just not really sure how to set it up. I need some ideas, anyone who is creative, or anyone who is just really good at coming up w ideas in general, please your welcome to throw some ideas at me. Just looking for someone to bounce ideas off of. Thanks to all those that help/reply!

  13. Hello everyone. I'm looking to see if there are any free EN shopping templates out there. I've already done plenty of research on this, I've found free ones, but the one website that there seems to be a lot of links that go to this is a website called "simplydaylife" or something very similar to that can't remember the exact name. But even the official EN website has this, but when I click on it, it tells me on the screen that the website isn't found. So also when I research this the grocery shopping lists templates pop up but I don't see any "general shopping lists" on there. And I'm really not that creative so it's hard for me to just come up w an idea of how I want to lay it out and create my own document and then save it into a template which is why I always search for templates but this time I'm ending up not finding any. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!!

  14. 12 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    ...What @CalS said.  The Forum has some feature request threads - there isn't one for templates as such,  but you could post in the general feature request area.  Also - if you design your own you could submit it for an example of what might be useful...  maybe. 

    That would be a good idea about designing one and sending it in. The only problem is idk how great my creativity is at the moment my brain seems to be lacking a lot of that. But I will def go to the gen feature request thread. Thank you!

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    I'm far lazier than anything here.  I tend to have a notebook for "Tech" which holds all the clips for hints tips and add-ons I've looked at for my devices.  Anything I eventually install gets a tag "installed" (subtle, huh..).  All major tasks and projects get their own notebook.  Definitely not rocket science.

    I'm very lazy myself haha. But this is the reason why I was looking for a template that would have all this. Does the EN site have a feature suggestion page/forum? I was thinking about suggestion this for a feature. 

  16. Ok this is a good idea. I think what file organization means to me is prob the second thing you said "a summary info" and I was thinking maybe putting little side notes if they were need/necessary to put down. Yea I was going to resort to Excel in a worst case scenario type of thing. I think I might do what you suggest in #2 that sounds like a good idea. Is it possible I could create the chart I made in Excel into a template on EN? I know you can create & save your own templates, but isn't this only available for the upgraded version? At least that's what I gathered from reading the description. Thank you for the helpful suggestions!!

  17. Hello everyone. I'm trying to find a template that would be used for these things: 

    • a template that I can use for organizing electronics files for my computer, iPad, & iPhone
    • I've found a "Indivi Proj" template under the GTD sections of templates, and the features I like is that it has a details sec, which I could put and this would let me know what I've put in this template, and what's the purpose of this template, which is very important for me because I always forget why I've made/created something and then I think to myself that I don't need this anymore, nor will I use it so I end up deleting the file, which always turns out bad!! it also has a reference sec, here I could add things such as the location where I got the file, and how large the file size is. 

    In all, I'm trying to find a template that is good for organizing my electronic files and those I have listed above. From what I've said that I liked about it, and what I needed, do you all think this would be a good template to use? Is there another template that I could use that would work better than this one? Please let me know your thoughts!!!

  18. I agree this would be VERY helpful; I'm using an app on my iPad 7th Gen called Things 3. They have this feature but this app is only for to-do lists. I think if the Evernote design team would take a look at that and somehow also apply it to this, it would be very helpful!! This might be something I might suggest in the suggest features area, and I can quote you on it if you would like me too!

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