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Everything posted by wilsonhines

  1. I’ve got an iPhone 13, not a Pro or ProMax. I tried Scanner Pro last year for three months. The way Scannable snaps to the document and automatically snaps the picture is very convenient in the environment which I work. Also, Scannable snaps to and pulls the shading out of document MUCH better. Yes, the “workflows” are very nice.
  2. I’ve tried several different apps out there and for form and function, nothing beats Scannable when it works. It let me down the hardest today by resetting while in the middle of saving and emailing the document. I use a lot of Readdle apps, but their Scanner app lacks capability.
  3. I am positive this isn't only an app update issue. What I mean by that is sometimes the app goes back to having to log in and do the settings every single day for days on end and sometimes even multiple times a day. This is killing me. When I open this app, I need it to work...right then. Once a week is too many times. This is a bug, not a feature and I do not believe this is only because of an update. I've been dealing with this for about three years and today I've just got pissed off enough to come in here and try to find a fix and a reason.
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