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Cliff TxMac

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Everything posted by Cliff TxMac

  1. Great news all! Kind of nice when a thread actually stays civil working through an issue, and just as importantly the issue gets solved!
  2. It shows up, just creates an error message when trying to use it. Worked until 3/4......At least it did for me.
  3. Thank you! That is #1 on the list, but I am dreading a new learning curve, hoping EN fixes the integration!
  4. All - As it seems everyone following this thread uses Evernote similarly for Outlook emails, has anyone found a good alternative for storing emails? I know Evernote is a lot of things to a lot of people, used in a multitude of different ways but I use it mainly as my file cabinet for storing emails and scanning important documents so this Outlook integration is very important for me. My issue is the learning curve with a new program and then finding out it does not store emails well. If it is not fixed, or an ongoing problem, is there a good alternative for this specifically anyone has found. I cannot go back to the horrible days of folders on my Outlook. My brain does not function that way at all. Anyone researched yet or might have a good suggestion? Just looking at options, don't want this to become a gripe session
  5. Reddit almost as bad as a Youtube comment thread! Completely toxic. Hopefully they can get this fixed!
  6. If you would like to see the enthusiasm for demise, just follow on Reddit, they have been trying to kill it for years. However, there are issues that keep creeping up, taken by themselves do not amount to much, but cumulative and then add this as a big one for me the ship seems listless. Don't want to be that whiner threatening to leave everyday as the thought of trying to rebuild after 15 years of use, albeit mostly the free version up until 5 years ago, gives me nightmares! However with the recent price increase, I would hope some of it would go to more than just increased margins on a cash cow business. I don't mind paying a little extra (Or a lot extra after this last increase) as long as the functionality stays relevant for my use. It seems like most of the recent "upgrades" are aesthetic, while the functionality continues to whither, but it could only be my opinion. Hope they get this one fixed.
  7. Thank you! I was hoping with the price increases that might lead to an upgrade in CS. That being said, hoping they keep it as it is critical functionality for a lot of users getting notes in. The work around leads to a much messier notes section for me.
  8. Really do not like the workaround, have used off and on for years. The main/only reason I am still with Evernote an paying the added $$ for premium is this add-in. How do we send to CS? I see people say that is an exercise in futility, but this functionality is critical. mammal used to have a program called mailbutler that would do the same thing, but Apple changed the mail functionality and it no longer worked. Hoping this is just a bug and not the same issue with outlook.
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