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Posts posted by flyteach

  1. On 2/1/2021 at 5:19 PM, gazumped said:


    Evernote brought out some new stuff that had a lot of issues,  which they're currently fixing...

    And they took away some major functionality which broke long standing (10 year + for me) workflows. Basic product advice: If you bring out something new, don't break what works, or have an alternate method to achieve the functionality. EN most certainly did not do this with v10.

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  2. The "learn" is that EN is not providing updates. v10 is NOT better than v7.x (for Mac). It's a different tool with different functionality. Unfortunately, EN did not explain that well and most take "10" to be "better" than "7". In this case it is most certainly not better, only different. For new users, that can be good. For customers who've supported EN for 10+ years, not so much.

  3. 22 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Legacy is running fine on my Mac, BigSur. Why bother about what might be if what IS does not do the  job ? I am running v10 to get a feeling of it, and do some testing, but I would not rely on it yet to do productive work. So there is no alternative than to run legacy for now.

    Except that EN is saying that it IS safe. You're treating it as beta and that's good, but the general user doesn't have that background and trusted EN. Just hope we all learn from that lesson.

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  4. Unfortunately, after the 10.5.7 popup debacle, lack of drag and drop, CS closing issue tickets just because they answered it (NOT because it was resolved), I'm moving on after 11+ years of using EN. Most everything that, for me, made EN easy to use and useful in my life, has been changed to some undescribed, uncommunicated vision with seeming little input from users. I can't even check out 10.6 because of the lack of features that remain in legacy while I finish my transition to a new tool. However, reading the release notes, I have to wonder who's brainstorm is was to introduce a new home page without being a major version number. Used to be one could track changes by version, but apparently EN is setting a new paradigm. Small, incremental change forcing large workflow changes on a user who may be ill prepared to realize said changes. I tried to be a beta tester, but when I couldn't even create a new note I had to quit. I couldn't understand how the betas got out of the company in the first place. I was being asked to perform pre-alpha testing and that made actually using the program come to a halt (but not for long). But, then being out of the beta group, there wasn't a way to see what was going on or coming or help guide EN into some good decisions for customers. I'm sure EN isn't worried about losing one customer, it's much more work for me, but I'm convinced it will be worth it as EN has become something that is no longer useful to me. YMMV.

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  5. It's clear to me (personally) that EN is unwilling or unable to fix it. The blog from the CEO said that they can do things faster now. Well, yeah, they went fast from a working program to one that becomes nearly unusable and breaks one's workflow with that silly popup. Not even sure management is aware of the issue since any tickets opened about this get "resolved" when the CSR responds with "yeah, we know".

  6. If this is a work in progress, then that means it's a beta. Missing functionality, basic issues, many bugs. Obviously a schedule for delivery is more important than ensuring the product works. The company needs to label this new version as still in beta to ensure customers know what they're getting into. 

    For instance, apparently I can drag and drop here on the forum, but Evernote decided that wasn't functionality they wanted users to have with their product anymore. 

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  7. Several issues. Drag & Drop. Idiotic update popup. While the blog update from Dec 10 says "we're delivering faster than ever" what seems to be happening is Evernote is delivering poorly executed software while taking long standing functionality and stability away from the customer. Certainly not a way to keep customers and not the way to win new ones. Fast does not mean good. I highly suggest that quality be more of a focal point rather than speed.

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