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Level 2
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Posts posted by grahamprothero

  1. Variations on this issue have existed for ages. BS have done nothing to solve the issue. The level 5ers will tell you to completely uninstall and reinstall the app, they will tell you that they do not have any problems. After days of re downloading your offline content you may get a result for a short while but the bug will return. Welcome to my favourite app with the worst customer support ever. Just go to Evernote Facebook pages to realise I'm not alone. 

  2. PC
    Windows 11, version 23H2
    Evernote 10.91.4
    Android Mobile
    Pixel 6a
    Evernote 10.92.1
    I created some tables a while ago and formatted them to fit the width of my mobile screen. I have now noticed that the notes have lost about 5mm off of each side so my tables no longer fit. considering my screen width is 65mm in total, that is a major loss - not my definition of an improvement.
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  3. I do not expect devs to babysit it's users through every little issue that users have. (this is the place for the forum) But to leave them hanging for months on end without even knowing if their problem is even recognised let alone being worked on is so wrong. Most of us pay good money for this product it's a shame the support doesn't match it.
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  4. 5 minutes ago, grahamprothero said:

    I would imagine that their existing in house bug reports would reduce if they recognised the issues on the forums. So more of a transfer of existing resources. Rather than extra. 

    This is assuming that they put any effort /resources into their support in the first place. Because it's invisible we will never know. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Support is AFAWK not present in the forum - it’s user 2 user.

    For support issue a ticket (and don’t expect anything fast or beyond some text blocks).

    For feature requests use the feedback function in the clients.

    There is no technical reason why the developers cannot respond directly. At least we would know that our issues have either been recognised or dismissed. 

  6. Am I missing something when it comes to identifying and reporting issues with the Evernote suite. There seems to be a capacity to log issues via these forums but no input from Evernote support.
    I have been spoilt in the past with a previous app where was able to report and share issues with fellow users and get solutions but also the developer would provide input and recognise and confirm issues and I would at least know that my problem had been recognised and the developer was actually working on a solution.
    With Evernote there seems to be nothing.
    When I report a bug to Evernote how do I know that it has been recognised and they are working on a solution. I have seen bugs that have been recorded by multiple users for more than 12 months and at the same time updates to the app on almost a weekly basis. It is almost like the developers are obsessed with creating new features rather than fixing existing ones.
    Having a voice is useless if nobody is listening.
  7. Hi speed WiFi connection (200 Mb) 

    Turned off all other apps

    I selected a note that was just under 1Mb

    Selected it for offline

    Still not downloaded after 30mins. 

    Why would an app that slow remove my entire downloaded offline notes every time I log off?I would only expect that if I removed the app from my device.

    I suppose I wouldn't be logging off, if the app was dealing with my modified filtered tags correctly in the first place. 

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