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Everything posted by bobbo

  1. I'm a Product Manager, developer, industry vet and big Evernote fan. You should make the leap to include the Linux community. Even my old dad has punted Windows for Ubuntu, and he's approaching 80 (he did it himself BTW). Ubuntu is the largest Linux distro in the world, with the express purpose of putting user-friendly computing in the peoples' hands worldwide - not sure how that factored into your market analysis. You can't get too focused on one stat from W3 or apply debates on server geek threads to desktop market changes. What is clear is that Windows is losing share. I appreciate your size versus market segment argument, which is why you should leverage what makes the open software movement so great - all those good free minds. Some of them are already brainstorming on this thread. You've foolish not to take advantage and increase your reach. Figure out how to use one of the world's largest genetic algorithms. You're welcome to contact me directly. It's also free.
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