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TRW 4 8

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Everything posted by TRW 4 8

  1. Greetings, tonight I was going to send a copy of an email to my Evernote account, the one that is assigned to us by Evernote and that is impossible to remember, and a second Evernote email address appeared. How do I fix this? Is there a way to change the Evernote assigned email address that has our sign in email Plus a variety of characters and numbers? One of my Evernote email addresses actually has my name in it, which I do like. Thank you in advance for any advice and input
  2. Hi, I simply want to rename the initial title in my stack, you know where I have subfolders? I have available to me either an Android phone or an iPad. My iPad is an iPad 7 and my Android phone is an Android Samsung Note 10 plus. In the attached screenshot I circled the ! MM It appears further down than I prefer to have it appearing so I was going to try ! 1 MM or just 1 MM BUT IT IS NOT ALLOWING ME TO CHANGE THIS my apologies my caps lock was on . It is not allowing me to change the MM part. Thanks for anybody's help & input. Since the update life has been rather challenging trying to figure everything out. They could have at least given us a tutorial on all the changes!
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