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Everything posted by VRN

  1. I know it's supposedly easy to add @Notebook to the end of of subject ... except this is not possible with auto-forwarding filters in Gmail or other email providers in the case of a misspelling/typo (or autocorrect on a phone) note goes somewhere else you want someone to add notes that can't remember the syntax for notebook, they get frustrated and start to hate you for making them do this I'm sure there are other reasons I love the email forwarding feature, I use it daily. I am fine if someone else thinks notebook-specific email forwarding address won't help them much, that's great that you don't have a need that's not filled. For the rest of us, I'm sure this could be enabled without interfering with those folks' workflows. Perhaps this could be enabled with addresses like <username>.<random number>+<notebook>@m.evernote.com. Gmail and other use this syntax to help with filtering emails. The server ignores the part following the + for finding the right user. Evernote could do similar, and make the parser look for this in to: address or for the @notebook in subject line when deciding where to put the note. People who don't need the feature could just never use + syntax and carry on with their business as usual.
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