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Posts posted by bill77

  1. I found another easy workaround that doesn't involve renaming the notebook. I wrote this out earlier.

    TL;DR: switch from dark mode to light mode and back*

    I've seen other users besides us  report this problem on a Moto G series of phones. My intuition kept me on legacy versions of Evernote until I was absolutely forced into using it, given my long history with app breaking bugs and the need for obnoxious workarounds when doing major updates.   And sure enough, the second I installed the new version, I had the blank screen/freeze issue when trying to create a note.  Trying to pull workarounds out of my a@# like I was used to having to do didn't work, nor from the a@# of the internet, such as trying to create a note from the widget or via a task (which also didn't work).  Uninstalling/reinstalling/clearing cache, none of that worked.  None of the 3 or 4 updates since installing this version solved it (didn't expect they would).

    I have been stuck emailing myself notes tagged in Gmail in hopes to file to Evernote "at a later date" from my phone and tagging it there, but it's already too messy and will be an ordeal to backlog on my desktop Evernote:  I am shocked the web based version works as well as it does, because if it didn't, I would be hosed.  That's literally the only improvement I've experienced in the "post legacy" era of Evernote; a very functional web based version... but that's not always practical, especially on a phone.

    *Well, after months of being on crippleware when not chained to a PC, on a whim I wondered if it was something as dumb as Evernote's dark mode not playing nice with my phone.  I switched to light mode within the app, and it appeared to hang in the exact same way, so I put it down.  But for the first  time, after leaving it on, the note editor eventually popped up!  I tested it and wrote and saved a note, and it worked.  Just to see, I put it back to dark mode, and decided to be patient. Same deal; it appeared to hang like normal, but this time the note editor appeared.  This probably tops my list of the dumbest workarounds I've had to resort to for Evernote that somehow worked, but for now, it's working, and is repeatable.  I can deal with some ridiculous lag to start a new note after months of being stuck with not being able to at all. I was always able to edit older notes (when I was lucky enough to get them to load, that is. But that issue goes back to 2009 for me, when it comes to their mobile apps on every device I've ever owned). This somehow fixes the clipper too.

  2. TL;DR: I may have a workaround: change from dark mode, to light mode, then back*

    I've seen other users besides me  report this problem on a Moto G series of phones. My intuition kept me on legacy versions of Evernote until I was absolutely forced into using it, given my long history with app breaking bugs and the need for obnoxious workarounds when doing major updates.   And sure enough, the second I installed the new version, I had the blank screen/freeze issue when trying to create a note.  Trying to pull workarounds out of my a@# like I was used to having to do didn't work, nor from the a@# of the internet, such as trying to create a note from the widget or via a task (which also didn't work).  Uninstalling/reinstalling/clearing cache, none of that worked.  None of the 3 or 4 updates since installing this version solved it (didn't expect they would).

    I have been stuck emailing myself notes tagged in Gmail in hopes to file to Evernote "at a later date" from my phone and tagging it there, but it's already too messy and will be an ordeal to backlog on my desktop Evernote:  I am shocked the web based version works as well as it does, because if it didn't, I would be hosed.  That's literally the only improvement I've experienced in the "post legacy" era of Evernote; a very functional web based version... but that's not always practical, especially on a phone.

    *Well, after months of being on crippleware when not chained to a PC, on a whim I wondered if it was something as dumb as Evernote's dark mode not playing nice with my phone.  I switched to light mode within the app, and it appeared to hang in the exact same way, so I put it down.  But for the first  time, after leaving it on, the note editor eventually popped up!  I tested it and wrote and saved a note, and it worked.  Just to see, I put it back to dark mode, and decided to be patient. Same deal; it appeared to hang like normal, but this time the note editor appeared.  This probably tops my list of the dumbest workarounds I've had to resort to for Evernote that somehow worked, but for now, it's working, and is repeatable.  I can deal with some ridiculous lag to start a new note after months of being stuck with not being able to at all. I was always able to edit older notes (when I was lucky enough to get them to load, that is. But that issue goes back to 2009 for me, when it comes to their mobile apps on every device I've ever owned).  This fixes the webclipper as well.

    I doubt a trouble ticket would've helped with this, if they even would respond in the first place, and some of the power users would just as well shrug and tell us to get new phones.

    Let me know if this works for you too, or if it's just a fluke on my end.  If not, see also this thread:



    Let me know if this works for you.

  3. I'll bite. Old post or not, I just ran into this. If it doesn't do or know anything until I tell it to clip a page, how did something I searched for on a PC without the main Evernote software installed (only the webclipper) auto-suggest something in the Android app even though I never clipped anything about it and Google is not connected to my Evernote account in anyway?  (This was using standard search, and not 'Ai Powered').

    This is the second time in a week I caught this, the first time I blamed on a lapse of judgement of my own because it happened so fast.  The second time, I am certain that the only crossover on the PC is the fact it still has the webclipper installed with permission to freely access all sites.  The kicker is, the autosuggested term the app popped up was miles away , even superficially, from what I was actually trying to type. 

     I'm not that overly worried about it on my end, but to suggest it can't see anything related to sites visited until activating the clipper can't be right.  The autocorrect suggestion the app came up with had nothing to do with what I was searching for in the app, and didn't even begin with the same letters, which was bizarre in it's own right.  I didn't browse anything related to it on my phone, but it was something I browsed within the last hour on the PC with no Evernote program installed or clipper interaction whatsoever. 


    RE: … and unless it is activated by the user himself to clip a page, WebClipper just sits around in the browser extensions and does - nothing.  Not phoning home, not tracking what the user does, not collecting anything. When activated by the user, it sends website information to the connected EN account as instructed, and goes silent again.

    RE: Clipper clips when YOU tell it to clip. I really don’t see a reason to restrict it to only a selection of sites, because it is usually only sitting around in the browser, waiting to be activated by yourself. It is not snooping on pages you visit, it does not send information to remote control servers in the background, it does not filter your web traffic - it only does clip when told to do so. And it only can send content to your account when you authorized it to do so, an access you can revoke at any time.

  4. Encryption is also an added layer of encryption locally.  Yes, "if someone already has access to my machine they're going to get it anyway", but extra layers are extra hurdles that the average "target of opportunity" intruder or prying eye isn't going to have time to mess with, as opposed to having things in plain text.  Yes, Elephant, there are things even on a local protected machine that should not be displaying in plain text, even if it's source resides on Evernote's "impenetrable" cloud fortress. 


    If there is a retroactive crippling of a long embedded feature that has been utilized in notes dating back to at least 2009, it will just at another rat maze of problems for the existing paying users to untangle and manually encrypt externally as you suggest, whether they decide to jailbreak their 50+ GB databases and jump ship to someone else, or they decide to stay and keep paying for this ever evolving migraine.  Retroactively reworking encryption points for 3rd party, outside the app on entry points that were on a pick and choose basis for over a decade would be a nightmare even IF there was a sane and orderly way to search them, to then manually outsource to some other app to piggyback with Evernote or evacuate one by one. 


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  5. You are out of your god damn minds?   I've put up with broken software for well over a decade I gladly payed for over these years. You think my piles of notes are going to export cleanly into "my choice to leave to other software".  People are going to have piles of locked data and dataloss.  Oh yeah, I'm sure this will all export cleanly.  Back it up and have it butchered and landlocked.   As it stands, the product is so broken people are stuck resorting to the old version, because the old version's idea of "broken and unsupported" is safer to their data and workflow than the current versions  because there is no RELIABLE way to export that amount of data, while being able to keep track of what 56,000 notes are butchered, bricked, or flat out missing.  I've been an apologist for this bloatware for so long , happily muddling through all the workarounds because this is the system I entrenched myself into since 2009,  but this is glorified ransomware at this point.  


    "the notes in your trash count toward the 50 note limit", LMAO.  This is coming from someone who has always paid.  The software and company has regressed, it should be BEGGING users to come back. Another perk of being a paid user is apparently not being notified of these little new changes.  This is highly alarming for premium users as well. Especially those of us with years of ongoing shared notebooks with other users I drug into this mess.


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  6. Got a new phone a couple months ago. Played nice with the last version of Legacy, until the last few days it started saving all of my screenshots (PNG) as attachment view. I didn't make any changes to trigger this.

    Figured I'd workaround it from the dekstop client and manually change it to picture view, but the "view as attachment" option is greyed out.  

    Anyone else have this issue, or anyone have any workarounds (short of being forced out of Legacy?). 

    (To be fair, I did give the new app a shot when I first got the phone, but gave up after it failed to ever load a single note. I'll come back around to it again when it stabilizes).

  7. It's always a good rule to backup your own apps when things are running smoothly while never allow auto-updates. I've had some Play Store apps sneak by updates despite my settings, oddly enough.

     The more you rely on an app, the more valuable your backups become, so it's best to be ready when a developer "pulls an Evernote" and you're stuck with a crippled app (pretty sure Evernote was the inspiration for my developing this valuable habit was back in 2010 or 2011, after learning the hard way  

  8. I was sitting there wondering why I didn't get any more 6.25*.* updates. It didn't seem that long ago that I got the last one.  And we already have to resort to Filehippo to get a past copy?  

    Looking at this thread feels like history repeating itself. I remember suffering through Evernote bloat during certain release stages before (either 4.x or 5.x) among a lot of ongoing annoyances that I traded for a lot of ongoing new perks and improvements over the years.  Leaping from 6 to 10 sounds like a very Microsofty thing to do when forcing users to part with the versions they perfected.  I can't even imagine how many issues I'll have with it beyond the obvious and already mentioned. 

    Last I checked, the alternatives did not suit me at all. Every time I toy with importing into Onenote I come running back before 50 notes even sync. If they kill support for this it'll be a disaster for me.  The way their ship is running these days, it looks more like a "when". 

    I got a beta invite. I thought I signed up, but didn't do anything with it since I only heard about it maybe once then thought I've got enough bugs to wrestle with official stuff. Not that it would've made much of a difference. They have a history of overlooking some of the most basic yet chronic complaints over the years.  Still plenty of bugs in the "legacy" family. Still have lots of random hangs there too despite a speedy setup. On my laptop shared notebooks just stopped syncing out of the blue. I could've reinstalled, but it probably would've required a fresh sync and at this point those are pretty painful for oldtimers, especially on a laptop.

     Very frightening to hear that they're pulling an Evernote again -- and one that might be inescapable.

    The whole reason I checked the forum to begin with was after the webclipper started trying to capture the entire screen before i have a chance to use the selector. After 3-5 tries I can manage to drag the selection without that happening. Another issue I pretty much have to wait out and hope it disappears, that started out of nowhere. 

    Evernote 10 is sounding more and more like Evernote 2020


    Update: As predicted, the screenshot issue disappeared after X amount of weeks, no updates.

  9. On 9/8/2018 at 3:13 PM, WeCanLearnAnything said:

    Evernote staff seems far more responsive to Twitter messages than to this forum. Try contacting them there and hopefully an employee will file a bug report and get back to you.

    Evernote on Twitter

    U The company has always spent money on the ultra superficial while telling users to endure these bugs, and the recent past was no exception

    Hah, that blog post says it all.  I didn't notice the logo change at all and probably never would have had I not skimmed it, but it's no surprise there was a long winded dramatic newsletter posted about it.  I guess it's better than them investing in 80 dollar notebooks and 60 dollar elephant sock merch.

  10. On 3/27/2019 at 3:12 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:


    I'm using the same version, also on Windows 7 and I don't experience this currently. A few questions: Is it happening in some notes more than others? Is it more likely to happen with a note open in a separate window, or in the main Evernote window? Does it happen more often with shared notes (as someone reported earlier in the thread)?

    Well, I'm a different user, but chiming in to say I'm glad you asked those questions.  I had this non stop with shared notes several months ago, and it seemed to have cleared up. Even tonight, I was making some entries in shared notes doing just fine, then it started again all of a sudden. (I did update to the current public release recently, but that was a few days ago).

     It definitely happens more likely in a separate window (glad you brought that bit up), because force editing it in the internal windows seems to be preventing the cursor jump, but in place of the jump, my old friend keyboard lag every few seconds instead.  But yeah, it's only on shared notebooks for now. 

    Truly maddening.  The lag doesn't seem as bad as the time months ago, where I was forced to use the web version and jump on the client only when I needed to merge something. I guess I could've copied and pasted from non-shared notebooks, but the level of frustration must've hampered my mental clarity before I thought of that, haha.

    Out of all the bugs left to run wild (and in this case seemingly die off and resurrect), it is mind boggling that this one gets swept under the rug.  I'm far too entrenched to migrate, and I love the program for a hundred other reasons and put up with the headaches, but it is a tad alarming.  

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