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Loyal Evernote User

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Everything posted by Loyal Evernote User

  1. The light/dark needs to be customizable. For example, I prefer the dark sidebar. I have vision accessibility issues and the dark makes it easier for me to read. I often change from light to dark in the notes section depending on the type of content. Please consider visual accessibility before making the light/dark changes permanent! Having individual control based on each person's vision needs is important.
  2. ATTENTION EVERNOTE LEADERS AND MARKETING TEAM: I have been listening to my academy of Evernote users as we have talked about our Evernote journeys, and have come to the conclusion that the new Evernote free account limits are a big mistake. Purpose of free accounts: give new users a taste of what the app offers and leave them happy and wanting more so that they will subscribe. The new limits, in our opinion, do not meet this purpose. One notebook is not enough to give a true taste of what Evernote can do. Let new users see that Evernote is not just creating notes and storing them in a notebook - yes, Evernote is great at this, but so are many other apps. Let them see how easy it is to move notes, organize a stack, jump from note to note and from notebook to notebook, the joy of adding a shortcut. Let them experience Evernote's power as the master of capture, note-links, flexbility to meet any workflow, and simplicity with its three levels of organization: notes, notebooks, and stacks. Ask Tiego Forte to share his video "Notes: Taking Notes Effectively" in his new Pillars of Productivity course where he demonstrates setting up his PARA/Second Brain system using four stacks. I wouldn't be able to test this workflow in Evernote with the new Evernote free limits. We propose these limits: a minimum 4 notebook limit with 15 notes per notebook which would allow new users to create stacks and explore Evernote's strengths and still want more. Up that to 8-10 notebooks if you want users to be able to set up Forte's PARA system with stacks. I never would have paid the close to $200 subscription fee for Evernote based on what I could do with 1 notebook and 50 notes. C'mon, Evernote. If you want more loyal users like my Evernote academy members, you need to let people experience a bit more of the wonders of Evernote. The original free plan gave too much, but now you are giving too little. Thanks for listening, Lynnae Lathrop, Professional level subscriber
  3. This just happened to me today! I had a screenshot stored in Evernote that needed to be emailed and placed in a document. Using v10, I had to move it to my downloads and then drag it to the new location. It used to be so easy to just copy and paste an image in Legacy using all key commands. Please bring back this feature in v10.
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