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Posts posted by scottjl

  1. @avevers Check your 'note history' setting. default is 90 days. a note, and attachments, aren't actually purged until the history expires. i've seen the same report from others and that was the issue.

    @DTLow maybe we report our departure to let evernote why we are leaving in hopes that it might actually have an impact on future development. vote with your wallet.

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  2. User number 4,279, started using Evernote 3/13/2008. Thousands of notes and gigabytes of data. Paying user for 12 years. Evernote's progress meandered sometimes (selling socks???) but it did meet my needs. This latest "update", what a disaster. Features missing. A bloated, ugly, Electron app. I'm supposed to pay $70/yr for this? With my renewal date approaching, I think my money could be better spent elsewhere. I've worked in IT for 30 years and I can't say I've seen a software release that actually regressed a product as badly as v10 did.

    I will say thanks for keeping Evernote Legacy around to allow me to export my notes to .enex files, v10 kept crashing out when I would try. For now I have moved my collection over to Joplin, import was painless and relatively quick. Funny a 3 year old open-source app is more capable than the latest release from a 13 year veteran.

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