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Lax 90210

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Posts posted by Lax 90210

  1. It may be that you haven't fully read my post, @PinkElephant. Or it may be that any discussion criticizing a piece of software with users so heavily invested in it that they've clocked nearly 20,000 posts on its forum can never be fully productive. My post is more about adding yet another voice to the pile of discontent; the point is not that it will be lost in the noise, the point is that the latest price increase generates a lot of noise and unhappy chatter, including mine.

    As far as I'm concerned, as I said in my previous post, UpNote is looking promising, by implementing the note-taking ethos of Evernote. I do recommend it to those who want to migrate from Evernote and yet want to keep most of their habits, which is hard to do when migrating to OneNote or Notion. Most of Evernote's core functionality exists in UpNote. I also find it to be super fast, which is a breath of fresh air after dealing with Evernote 10, which despite numerous updates and multiple promises is still a dog even when running on the most powerful hardware.

  2. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    While this is another price increase this year,  I looked at the new prices alongside things like my Amazon Prime and Adobe photography subscriptions;  the cost of a YouTube family membership - and Evernote is at or below the same level as all of these,  and of more value (to me) than a lot of them.

    Asking for an intermediate price to 'encourage' people to start subscribing is like asking Amazon to offer a "free delivery only on Mondays" option at 20% of the price of the full package.

    And adding a new level of intermediate subscription increases costs for the company which reflect of everyone from full subscribers to shareholders.  I don't know about them,  but as a full subscriber I don't currently feel inclined to contribute towards the cost of giving others a better deal than mine!

    Evernote — still little more than a glorified note editor attached to a database — is now more expensive than Amazon Prime, or Microsoft 365, or PlayStation Plus, not to mention Notion. One hundred and thirty bucks a year for the cheapest tier is simply insane pricing. No amount of copium can reasonably argue to the contrary.

    Frankly, if at some point they do a switcheroo and force me to migrate from my grandfathered pricing (and even that pricing was jacked up by 30%), I will respectfully migrate elsewhere. It may be that Bending Spoons will be able to squeeze more money out of the users who haven't left, and their bottom line will remain unaffected; but at some point, Evernote as a whole is at risk of fading into irrelevance, as it already has, as it were, acquired by a little-known mobile app studio company churning out insipid products.

    It is a shame. I don't think Evernote's value lies in extraneous features stuffed in to justify the jacked-up subscription price (and it seems the new roadmap is all about adding dubious AI functionality). Its value lay in its speed, simplicity and focus, which have been steadily in decline in a never-ending Bataan Death March for years on end. More and more convincing competitors are delivering, without the cruft & bugs we've all had to deal with for years. UpNote is a good example.

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  3. The way I use Evernote is that I have the sidebar on the left, then the note list, then the note content. I believe most people use Evernote this way; Evernote's own screenshots of the program show it set up this way. This is also how most programs work when it comes to display hierarchical content; it makes the most sense.


    Yet since Evernote 10, when I select a note that is in Shortcuts or Recent, the note list disappears!


    It is extremely jarring: Evernote resizes the note content area as a result. As another side effect, I cannot quickly switch to another note that is in the same notebook; extra clicks are now needed. It makes it a chore to navigate from note to note. The program is also stupendously slow at redrawing, which makes these hiding/showing shenanigans even worse.

    Is there a way to pin/always show the note list I am not aware of? It is how Evernote used to behave. But it's not just Evernote: it's pretty consistent behavior across products. Can you imagine if an email program hid the email pane every time you accessed a starred conversation? This is madness 🤪

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