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  1. This behavior is simply unacceptable for two reasons: 1. EN provides two different methods for applying boxes: a) checklists, and b) checkboxes. If a user chooses to use checkboxes, why does EN then override that choice and convert them to checklists upon pressing Enter? If that's the case, why provide two ways to start at all? Recommendation: Add a Preferences option like "Convert all checkboxes to checklists on Enter?" 2. Not everyone wants to have completed checklist items greyed out AND underlined! This makes it quite difficult to use checklists if you want to retain a clear view of tasks completed. STRONGLY REQUESTED Recommendation: Add a Preferences option on how to format completed checklist items. Include basic character format options like color, bold, italic, strikeout, etc.). These options would allow users to use EN the way they are comfortable rather than the way others think we should. Options are good to have! Thanks.
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