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  1. This is absolutely insane. It doesn't matter. I'm terminating my subscription as we speak. Aside from issue discussed in the topic, the level of aggressiveness against those that complain is way toxic. Bye everyone.
  2. It's not an assumption. It's a logical conclusion based on reading this thread. You'd reach the same conclusion if you graphed forum level vs support for the price increase. But even if I made an assumption, it's free speach and I can assume all I want.
  3. Not true. The 2-device sync limit makes it unusable. I don't want it for free. I want to pay a reasonable amount for the value it brings me.
  4. It's hilarious how level 4 and 5 users (most presumably affiliated with the company in some form) support the price increase while level 1 and 2 users complain about it. That's fine. PR changes nothing. There's a market for an entry level plan where people would just write text notes without calendars, tasks, reminders and all the other bells and whistles. Evernote is not interested in that market, which is again fine. Hasta la vista , baby! I will have to commend Evernote though for supporting the export functionality.
  5. I would also like to align behind the request to add support for mathematical formulas.
  6. Following up on yesterday, the CPU usage is back to normal without doing anything. The issue was indeed server-related as someone else mention. Is there anyone that still has the problem? Note: I do have spell check enabled and I haven't touched it.
  7. You're making no sense and by now you're doing Evernote a disservice. It's time to stop.
  8. PinkElefant, what is your contribution to this thread? If you're not having an issue why do you not go and enjoy your life? Your 1% CPU argument amounts to nothing. Just do that to a bank customer for your software: "But sir, on my side I cannot reproduce your problem ..." BTW, if you had better Karma you wouldn't have believed in Karma.
  9. I have the same 100% CPU usage after upgrading to 10.52.8 on macOS. The quality of the product is disappointing especially after going through the rewrite a number of years ago and expecting better. There's simply no way to explain this away with "local corruption issues". Hundreds of users suddenly have their local data corrupted after an update. Give me a break. PinkElefant you can shut up, we don't need your corporate propaganda on top of the issue we have with the software. As far as my experience, I have reinstalled Evernote and cleared local data, but the high CPU remained. There's also no network activity from Evernote, so the download of the notes is complete. I guess I'll just need to continue enjoying the beautiful music of the fans. Thanks Evernote!
  10. For those that might still not be able to share a notebook publicly, make sure that you choose "Publish" instead of "Share" when right-clicking on a notebook. When you go through "Publish" it does not ask you about the emails of the people to share it with. Thanks Evernote for not removing this feature. It's a convenient alternative to an online blogging service.
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