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Posts posted by shekala

  1. A few years back, there was a feature to import the contact info from a business card in Evernote into the iphone's address book. Is this still available, or is the business card feature essentially just a note with a photo of the card?


  2. Does anyone know if the Gmail clipper is still supported (desktop and IOS)? I get errors on both every time I try to clip an email.


    Unknown error occurred.
    EDAM_UNK-EDAM_UNK-{"msg":"method with the requested number of arguments not found (session may have timed out)","code":591}
  3. Thanks for the suggestions. Crazy that companies add functionality that only a subset of people will use while massively reducing the current search capabilities. I hope they wake up and realize how many people depend on the "old" search abilities and that there is no reason to downgrade its functionality.

    In the meantime, I tried the "tag:xxx" approach again and it apparently does work, but there is no indication that the filter is the chosen tag. I compared the results to a direct search of a tag and they appear to be the same so it appears to be working, but would be helpful if the filter showed the tag being shown.

  4. I just started using the Evernote Gmail add on and it appears that attachments to an email are not brought into Evernote when saving an email via the Add On. Am I missing something or is including an attachment simply not a function of the Add On? If it isn't, seems like the functionality is very limited as most emails I want to save have attachments.

    Thanks for your help in advance!

  5. Thank you Paul! Very helpful and appreciated! Works like a charm! I actually just tried to create a keyboard Mac shortcut to the [] or .[] that you suggested but for some odd reason that doesn't work but manually typing the keystrokes you suggested is not so difficult :)

    Thanks again!

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  6. I notified tech support about constant duplicate notes being created and their response was disturbing. I am curious if other users deem this to be as problematic and cumbersome as I do, especially since I don't recall this happening in older versions, and certainly shouldn't be happening in an application wherein syncing is a key feature:

    Here is their response:

    Regarding the duplicate note warnings, at the moment, Evernote does not support real-time editing. When a note is edited in two different devices before a sync has taken place, two copies of this same note might be in conflict. When this happens, the note duplicates. You can then view both versions of the note and the conflicting version from the server, then manually apply any changes that couldn't be merged automatically. Once you're satisfied that the original version has all of the changes, delete the duplicated version.
    Moving forward, to help us to isolate this issue, when editing a note, make sure you are online, the note is not open in any other device. This way, if your account is syncing properly, you should have its latest versions. Also, when you're done editing the note, sync and then close the note so it's ready to be synced to all your devices.


  7. 5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    The spinning cycle usually means one of 2 things:

    Free users only: Exceeding the device limit, the device is treated as a new one, all 2 slots are already taken.

    Solution: Unsync other devices.

    All users: Network connectivity problem. Can be caused by all sort of network issues, like firewalls, ab blockers (Pi-Hole or similar) or other blacklisting measures. To test this, use a different network. Take the laptop to a place with public WiFi, or connect to a mobile network through a personal hotspot. In any case disable all security software running on your computer.

    If it then connects, enable all the fancy stuff one after the other until you found the problem. On foreign protected networks (like company networks) it is possible you can’t unblock the access. Then use mobile or the web client.

    Thank you. So, I tried connecting via my mobile hotspot and not only does Evernote load successfully, but all the notes appear (not just titles) - same computer, same security settings, etc. I don't want to drive you crazy about this (no one at Evernote is getting back to me...), but if you have any suggestions on what to do now that I see it is somehow related to my home internet connection, which works fine for all other applications. I even rebooted my router, but am encountering the same problem. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for the feedback. My internet connection is not shared and shows 60 mbps. I have 28,000 notes.

    Unfortunately, I am stuck using the web version since the desktop app all of a sudden doesn't work and tech support is not responsive. Yesterday it wasn't syncing and lost notes, and today I tried reinstalling it and now only the note title shows up, NOT the content. I have been a loyal user for 15 years, but the instability and lack of support has been going on too long. Very disappointing.

  9. I normally use the windows desktop app but it keeps crashing and not syncing, so I am now trying to use the web client. Unfortunately, it takes multiple minutes to do the initial loading. Anyone else experiencing this and have any suggestions on how to speed it up? Once its loaded, seems to be fine, but the initial loading is  definitely problematic (using Chrome on a PC)


  10. I just tried using the gmail extension and it did not save the attachment associated with the email. Is this a bug or does the extension simply not save attachments? When I forward the email to evernote, the extensions do appear, so assuming it should work for the extension as well. Also, I remember there was a time when it prompted to include the entire thread or just the latest email in the thread, but don't see it now. Is that a feature that no longer exists or am I missing something?


  11. Often when I create a new note, I will get a warning that multiple copies of the same note exist. Since this is occurring as I create a new note for the first time, the error is quite bizarre. Anyone else experiencing this and/or know what is triggering it and how to solve it? A second note is, in fact, being created, but appears to be a partial copy of the one I am then working on. Obviously creates confusion so hoping to get to the bottom of it. Thanks!

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