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Anonyme For Liberty

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Everything posted by Anonyme For Liberty

  1. You can see on the yellow part of the screenshot that the download button is barely visible because overlapped by note name. If i make the window more larger, the layout error is corrected.
  2. But it doesn't work on existing lines, right ? you are still talking about writing new lines use case. If you have multiple existing lines that you want to convert into bullet point, i don't see how your solution works. But thanks for trying.
  3. yeah but it does not cover all use cases, like when you edit existing texts, i prefer to select all lines i want to change into bullet list then press one time the short cut. Much more effective than asking to insert a character at the beginning of every line.
  4. Hi, Currently we can't change it and it's unfortunate because the enforced shortcut is not standard. The standard is ctrl + shift + 8 (numpad). Because of that, in all windows applications, browsers included, we are trained to use ctrl+shift+8 but only in Evernote we have to use ctrl+shift+b because we can't change it... That's not user friendly.
  5. Are you in dark mode ? If so, please check if the Windows contrast option is checked
  6. I genuily don't know what the italian company policy is about feedback from its users. Does someone know ? did they make any public statement ?
  7. I can see two obvious use cases but you may have better ideas than me : output : you can save the current chatgpt conversation or whatever you say into an new evernote note just by asking it "save the current conversation/paragraph above in evernote" input : get an evernote note content to be used as context for the current conversation It would be awesome! Have a nice day,
  8. I recommend experimenting with the new format incorporating AI functionality. While it won't provide a verbatim translation of markdown, within mere seconds it swiftly renders a presentation conducive to reading.
  9. Hi, Currently, I can edit some shortcuts but not all. For example, I can't edit those ones and below while I can edit all above in the shortcut menu : Is this a limitation because I'm using personal and not Professional License ? Or, it is not possible currently ? If so, this is a feature request : I need to change some of those keys to make them the same as the standard used by all the other applications. Thanks,
  10. Disclaimer : I'm a very intensive keyboard user. Almost never my mouse for coding or for taking notes. Hi everyone, It seems the overall Evernote application needs a rework for how the application behaves when you press the Escape key. Actually it's not consistent throughout the application and it does not do much. I'm pretty spoiled with how the JetBrains IDE applications handle the question (IDE are applications for coding, JetBrains do one of the best). Let me explain what we can do in their IDEs : when you press Escape as your focus is inside a sidebar or options panel, it automatically comes back in the body of the currently edited page code in the editor tab, at the last known cursor position. I believe it should be the same within Evernote, because they are almost identical in UI and usage: The current note is the center of your attention as it is for a page code in your IDE and you go back and forth between your code/notes and the control bars, navigation controls, but in the end you always come back to a note. Here is an exemple : When I press the keyboard shortcut to add new tags to the current note, that is putting the focus inside the bottom bar of the note, at that moment your cursor is inside a new empty slot waiting for input for tag selection or creation. If I press the escape key, I would like to automatically return back to the body of the current note (my preference). Today, if you press Escape when you are in the empty slot, it does nothing. This is because they decided to not capture the escape key every time we are inside a field for edition (almost everywhere, few exceptions). But I disagree with this choice. Because from a user perspective, when you ask to do an action, like a research, it's indeed a good idea to automatically place the user cursor inside the field research so he can start typing right away. So it should also be a good idea to gives the user a mean to immediately cancel what he asked for and go back to the currently edited note. JetBrains even did it better : 2 escapes behavior : first escape is to cancel current action but the focus stays within the area so you can try again what you were doing. In some situations, Evernote does already that. Second escape when your focus is still in the area but on NO ACTIVE element, then the focus/cursor is placed on the currently page code. Thats very neat. From a user perspective, le me describe how it goes : "damn, made a mistake -> Escape. Well, that wasn't a good idea to do that action in the first place -> Escape again and your focus is back on the current note, ready to be productive". My solution today to leave the bottom bar area and get back to the note editing is to press the keyboard short (I believe F2 ? I've edited all keyboard shortcut, not sure if it is the default one) to go into the current note title field. I understand that I'm asking a lot. Even though the power users are not many and logically they are not a business priority. Have a good day, Franz
  11. I see what you mean. Yeah, good idea. About the moreover, I'm no sure I agree. I see where this idea is coming from. Most modern Web applications nowadays allow user to move around the UI with the arrow keys. This is more intuitive than Tab key and the direction you give has meaning to where the focus is moving. When I use ctrl + home to go instantly top, the cursor doesn't go beyond the top of the note, so for me there is no issue. I guess you are not using ctrl + home and keep Up Arrow down to go to the top of your documents, hence the problem of selecting the title by mistakes. I can see that.
  12. Yes not only from there, but from anywhere, as long you moved your focus elsewhere. Imagine, you tabbed multiple times in a row to move around the UI, wouldn't be neat to be able to get back to edit your note just by pressing Escape ? If this behavior is consistent across the application, users will learn in no time to use it for its intend, like in IDE JetBrains. Not sure what would be the best behavior if no note is opened, I would say nothing, to not create confusion. I agree with your idea of the tag line position, it makes sense. I'm not sure about the note title though as it is already at the top of note, so in the same line sight.
  13. Disclaimer : I'm a very intensive keyboard user. Almost never my mouse for coding or for taking notes. Hi everyone, It seems the overall Evernote application needs a rework for how the application behaves when you press the Escape key. Actually it's not consistent throughout the application and it does not do much. I'm pretty spoiled with how the JetBrains IDE applications handle the question (IDE are applications for coding, JetBrains do one of the best). Let me explain what we can do in their IDEs : when you press Escape as your focus is inside a sidebar or options panel, it automatically comes back in the body of the currently edited page code in the editor tab, at the last known cursor position. I believe it should be the same within Evernote, because they are almost identical in UI and usage: The current note is the center of your attention as it is for a page code in your IDE and you go back and forth between your code/notes and the control bars, navigation controls, but in the end you always come back to a note. Here is an exemple : When I press the keyboard shortcut to add new tags to the current note, that is putting the focus inside the bottom bar of the note, at that moment your cursor is inside a new empty slot waiting for input for tag selection or creation. If I press the escape key, I would like to automatically return back to the body of the current note (my preference). Today, if you press Escape when you are in the empty slot, it does nothing. This is because they decided to not capture the escape key every time we are inside a field for edition (almost everywhere, few exceptions). But I disagree with this choice. Because from a user perspective, when you ask to do an action, like a research, it's indeed a good idea to automatically place the user cursor inside the field research so he can start typing right away. So it should also be a good idea to gives the user a mean to immediately cancel what he asked for and go back to the currently edited note. JetBrains even did it better : 2 escapes behavior : first escape is to cancel current action but the focus stays within the area so you can try again what you were doing. In some situations, Evernote does already that. Second escape when your focus is still in the area but on NO ACTIVE element, then the focus/cursor is placed on the currently page code. Thats very neat. From a user perspective, le me describe how it goes : "damn, made a mistake -> Escape. Well, that wasn't a good idea to do that action in the first place -> Escape again and your focus is back on the current note, ready to be productive". My solution today to leave the bottom bar area and get back to the note editing is to press the keyboard short (I believe F2 ? I've edited all keyboard shortcut, not sure if it is the default one) to go into the current note title field. I understand that I'm asking a lot. Even though the power users are not many and logically they are not a business priority. Have a good day, Franz
  14. Yeah, exactly. They did a pretty good job in this area in the bottom bar of a note. I would add that you can also delete with Backspace key in addition of DEL, you can multi-select/edit with ctrl + left|right arrow, lot of good stuff. The developer that developed this area is a keyboard lover. The only thing that is missing is again to handle the Escape key. It seems the overall Evernote application need a rework for how the application behaves when you press the Escape key. Today, if you press Escape when you are in the empty slot, it does nothing. This is because they decided to not capture the escape key every time you are inside a field for edition. But I disagree with this choice. I'm gonna do an other post to talk about that.
  15. Yeah we are not talking about the checkbox list , which is great by the way. But the list of tags ABOVE the search field. See my last screenshot 15mn ago But I’m feeling stupid to keep talking about such small details when I have already settle to not use this window on a single note 😆
  16. Yeah that's because you selected only notes that have same tags. That's why. Try to select let's say 1 notes with multiple tags and one without any tags. You will see, in this case, that NO Tags are displayed above the search field. This is because for a tag to be displayed above, in needs to be defined on every single note of your selection. If not, he isn't displayed and if I want to remove it from a subset of notes selection, I need to look for it in the checkbox list and uncheck the line. But as I said I understand why they make that choice and this is ok to take times when you do mass editing.
  17. Hi, Well when you select multiple notes, the window you get by pressing (ctrl + alt + T : default shorcut) doesn't behave the same way as when you use it on a single note. On a single note, the active tags are displayed as shown in my screenshot of the first post of this thread. When you have multiple notes, Evernote developers chose to not show the list of all active tags combined of all selected notes (for performance reason or lack of space). So indeed, in this situation, the only solution is to enable/disable tags from within the checklist below. This is not efficient as you need to search for tag names first if you want to uncheck them from the list, but I understand why the limitations. As a conclusion, opening the ctrl + alt + t on a single note led me to think this was a good way to edit tags of a note. It's not. Better to use it only when you need to edit multiple notes at once. And as Mike said, when you are on a single note, just go to bottom bar of the note (there is a keyboard shortcut to do just that), it's faster and you can remove tags with keyboard only.
  18. I kinda agree with you... There is this use case where it is still usefull : when you want to edit tags of a selection of notes. In that case, you can't do it from within the bottom bar as there is not just one note. But I agree that in this a special case of mass edition, so its rare and as a consequence the keyboard-only approach speed is not required anymore and surely you need to be more cautius.
  19. Context : I’m a heavy keyboard user and kinda annoyed when I’m forced to use my mouse because the UI doesn't respond to keyboard input as it should. I know everything can be done with the mouse but that's not how I work (developer). Here I am, in this specific context of having open this quick window that allow you to edit or add tags of your current note. (I know you can also edit tags in the bottom bar of the notes. It works perfectly fine. Just want to contribute by giving my feedback where there are issues) If I want to suppress some selected tags, with the keyboard, there is no easy solution. If I press shift + tab, or top arrow key, or anything else, I can't select the active tags (on the screenshot those are the little button with the X cross). If I could select them with my keyboard, I would probably be able, with space or enter key, to active them and remove them. Right now the only solution is to type the tag name to update the list below, and from the list below to unchecked the tag. It would be much faster if I could go up and select directly the tags to remove them (technically add the selected tags button in the "window tab list items") An other issue is that when the focus is inside the input field, which is there by default when you open the window, I can't close the window by pressing the Escape key. The only solution is either to give focus to the cross bar top-right with shift + tab and press enter, or easier just to go down in the tag list and then press Escape. This is a typicall issue that we encounter in numerous software that the Escape key is ignored when we are inside an input field... But I feel like as it is a quick window, quick to open, it should be also quick to close. (with keyboard) Thank you Evernote developers to make the software better
  20. EDIT : restarting the computer did the trick! Hi, Just a warning that just 10 minutes ago, my Evernote displayed a link within the interface to notify me that a new update was released. Clicked the link. And since then, I have a never ending loading animation as seen below. I was thinking it was the installation process that was taking time, so I waited 10 mn. 10mn later, same animation. So I thought that maybe the app is bugged. So I restarted it. And I get again the loading animation. I don't know if this is an issue with the lastest update or just me. I will restart the computer to see how it goes and if I'm back to the animation loading, I will probably reinstall the application.
  21. Hi, thank you for testing. Are you sure you are NOT in the specific case I talked about (interesting exception chapter) that when you open the filter dialog box, just before the focus for input was inside the currently opened note (that means that if you press your keyboard keys, it will writte what you type in the current opened note) ? Let's say you first click on the first note in the note list as in my screenshots (the issue happens also if you are elsewhere in the application and press the shortcut keyboard to open the filter tag dialog box. When I do, I'm being redirected to the node list page), it should be surrounded by a blue border line (maybe another color if you are not in the dark mode like me. Then at least not the gray one). That proves that the focus in currently on the notes list and not in the currently opened note in the right panel. Then you either click on the filter tags icon with your mouse or you use the keyboard shortcut to open it. In both cases, the issue happens. That means the issue happens even if I use the mouse in the middle of the process, it's not because I tend to do everything by keyboard. Then start typing the letters of your first tag, select it (with mouse or keyboard). Once you have validated the first tag, you will notice that the input cursor disappears from the tag input field, the proposed list of other tags is still opened, it’s true you can select one with your mouse (and scroll if necessary) but you can't type letters with your keyboard again to filter this proposition list to find the second tag you want to add. When you are a heavy keyboard user like myself (both hands on the keyboard), you don't want to be forced to take back your mouse in your hand to finish your search. Thats why it bothers me.
  22. Yeah same version (in the title of my post). For others to understand, I do everything by keyboard, even selecting the tags within the list that popup when you start typing a tag name (arrow keys to move selection then enter to add the selected tag into the search input). I will edit my post to emphasize that I don't use the mouse in whole process of searching by Tags.
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