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Posts posted by Proft

  1. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    To have only 25 votes in 5 years suggests the cost of adding the new feature(s) would not be met by the additional subscriptions generated.  I'd say voting is working fine.

    Again, the tone-deafness that would presume that the tens of thousands of users who are not complaining on this forum don't exist, and that only subscription revenue is important enough to create a truly great product.  That is clearly one of the reasons why there is little participation here.

  2. It is not a matter of the display size as much as the inability to control text formatting of things like font size, particularly when "Paste as Plain Text" has been broken for years.

    Evernote devs are completely tone deaf to how a text editor should work.  This is but one of the many annoyances that span both mobile and desktop platforms, and is the main reason why I refuse to purchase the full product.  It took them YEARS to fix the Android auto-correct input issue...no reason to think they care about what people want.

  3. This still happens using the latest Evernote Windows app.  You click on a note and an empty note with a duplicate title is created below it each time.  Discouraging that it has been 4 years and you still can't get this worked out.  This is why I feel apathetic about purchasing a subscription. 

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