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Steve M in San Diego

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Posts posted by Steve M in San Diego

  1. Hi Vincent,

    Thanks for your response.  In answer to your questions: No, we are not on Teams; I am using 10.81.4-win-ddl-public (20240320152323), Editor: v177.9.4, Service: v1.97.1; and the problem does occur on the web client too.  As stated above, it seems to be that Evernote replaced the "/" characters with "%5c%" when it translated the legacy database to version 10.


  2. Pete,

    No worries! 

    There were a lot of similar posts in 2020 when 10 was released, but I had hoped that in four years Evernote or someone else would have found a solution.  It seems to me the type of thing that an intern could solve in 1/2 hour, but clearly it was not a priority in the middle of the mutiny.  I guess I will just train my staff on how to fix them, and we will fix them as we encounter them.  Then I won't have to assign one of my interns to spend a couple of tedious days doing nothing else!

  3. Hi Pete,

    I am new to the forum but thought there were Windows 10 users here?

    Regarding creating links, I had tried to make it clear that I can create new links and fix old links by manually editing them.  My problem is with all the existing links from Legacy that broke when translated to Evernote 10.  What I am looking for is way to fix them all at once with a macro or command so I don't have to invest the time into fixing the hundreds or likely thousands of links manually.


  4. Hi Pete,

    I didn't take any steps per se.  I just clicked the same links that worked fine in Legacy, and find that they no longer work in 10.  Upon exploration, I found that Evernote seems to have translated the "/" characters to "%5c%" which cause the link to fail.  If I manually change them back to / they work again, but we have thousands of file links, so that does not strike me a viable way to proceed.

    All our machines are on Windows 10.

  5. Well, we have finally reached the date that they pull the plug on Evernote Legacy, with still no solution to the local file/folder link problem?  My links from legacy are still being converted to paths with / characters converted to %5C which fail in Evernote 10.  For example file:///S:/Admin/Reference is converted to file:///S:/%5CAdmin%5CReference.

    I am just confirming that there is still no solution to this other than manually editing all links?


  6. I can verify that this can happen even when the account quota has not been exceeded.

    My office has been using Evernote for many years with no user ever exceeding a quota.  We use mostly text messages and are seldom over 1MB by month's end.  Then on Friday we were all over quota.  When we went to Tools> Account, we could see that none of us were actually over our quota.  I had been doing a lot of file and folder management, so was at 45 MB of 10 GB.  Nonetheless I was over limit.  A staff member on free was at 0 of 60 MB today because her month reset over the weekend yet she is locked out.

    A nice guy in tech support named Daniel helped get this all sorted out, but errors do occur, and they are not always the fault of the user. 

    I can also confirm that waiting for the monthly reset does not always help.  It did not in our case.  It took tech support to fix it, and unfortunately I am not clear on exactly what was done.  I think he just added to our quotas so that Evernote could see the capacity and get past the problem.

    • Like 1
  7. 50 minutes ago, CalS said:

    YWell, putting the docs in a shared EN account (curated by someone) might fit the bill.

    Yeah, unfortunately the "docs" are actual software setting and/or backup files stored on the individual user's hard drive, in the current example in each user's .../Appdata/Roaming/eM Client folder.  Since each user has different setting preferences and stores different messages we can't all point to the same document...

  8. 13 minutes ago, CalS said:

    Sorry, didn't catch the environmental variable.  All my links are local per se.  I have duplicated Windows User Name and DropBox folders on multiple PCs thereby enabling the links from within EN (looks the same no matter the machine).  I find larger spreadsheets with pivot tables are better off not stored in EN.

    Yeah, we use Evernote as an in-house knowledge base, and have a lot of articles on user settings, which are often on individual hard drives, and it would be nice to provide a link to them rather than have users typing and editing non-intuitive paths.  Thanks for the help though!

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, dconnet said:

    I shudder to implement this because of ambiguity (yes, I'd be the one on the Windows platform)... You realize %APPDATA%.txt is a valid windows file name?

    Sure, and of course you can come up with theoretical anecdotes that would not work.  My point is that in the real world no sane person would name a file %APPDATA%.txt and the real-world benefits of allowing ambiguous environment variables far outweigh the (largely theoretical) costs.

  10. Ok, thanks.  I kind of figured.  Perhaps you could put it on a wishlist?  Although environment variables are not platform specific, many of the variables themselves are, so Evernote could infer the platform from the variable?  Or they would simply fail on the wrong platform which would probably not matter, because most users are likely to have a single platform within the scope of their note sharing and the note itself would be platform-specific by definition anyhow if it were using environment variables in the first place.

    Thanks again,


  11. Hi CalS,

    I had tried all forms of this and could not get any of them to work.  Could you give me specific syntax with an environment variable?

    I have tried:





    None of these or other permutations and combinations work.  I reached the conclusion that Evernote does not support environment variables, but if they are working for you I would be very interested in knowing the exact syntax!



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