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  1. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. Yet we still can't use multiple tabs....a feature that used to exist but then was removed for no reason - absolutely decimating my workflow. Still can't resize sidebar and note list text. I just can't believe that after all the awful feedback they've had for the past 10 "updates" that they continue to put out useless feature fluff like this without addressing actual concerns. Evernote team. I don't know how many times it must be said, but THIS IS THE WRONG TYPE OF CONTENT TO FOCUS ON. BRING BACK FUNCTIINALITY. WE NEED NO MORE USELESS 'AESTHETIC' ADD-ONS
  2. Nothing constructive to say, I'm sorry. This was such a shock - why are you removing functionality? My workflow efficiency has suffered so much I intend to start looking for Evernote alternatives. This was a really, really, really bad choice. What were you thinking.
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