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Everything posted by USSBlanketship

  1. I agree with @amiocamp about the product page for PDF annotation being misleading if this is how the annotation summary feature still works. I just upgrade from Plus to Premium last night and the summary was a key selling point for me! As others have described, I want to go through large files on my iPad, annotate with the pencil, and then review the content by using the summary from whichever device I am on. How would a partial summary be useful? Why wouldn't you be forthcoming with this limit in the product information instead of claiming that "each annotation" appears in the summary? What is the actual limit? Why is this still an issue 2 years later from the original post? @BSR can you follow up on this and let us know if they are going to make this feature usable? I need to know or else I'm going to ask to downgrade back to Plus because I can't use the annotations the way I expected based on the lies in the product description.
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