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T Oaks

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Everything posted by T Oaks

  1. I’m sorry this happened…with losing data and a potential job and I have experienced similar problems, particularly with ipad and longer notes since fall of 2020 that I have used in work situations (but as it had just been those two factors, I am still using the app and have figured out some workarounds for the overall value of Evernote and what I have invested in it) A couple of suggestions (while I hope Evernote comes up with a permanent solution): 1) when editing or writing on a longer note, I will sometimes take a moment, select the content in the whole note, copy it and then give it a moment to sync up before going on. Again, this is only for more lengthy notes on my iPad. Typically it is best to wait until green and white syncing arrows disappear. I did that this morning with a work project. 2) something I have used, but might implement more, is the Fastever app, which connects directly into Evernote—it syncs quickly, does pictures and typing and again could be a potential temporary solution for this without having to get rid of Evernote and start all over. Fastever has regular updates-in fact, I recall that they had one this week. I would experiment with this first. I did try it and it worked quickly, BUT it does not include the more sophisticated font and size options. However, for an on the fly job, it might be able to get your data permanently into the system for you to be able to do slight/final edits later. I hope this helps.
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