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Everything posted by naturale

  1. Thanks you for the information . It is help me manage my note better . Thanks
  2. I think so . I mean that in the way a note can connect to the related note . Because when a note became too long I often break it into two note , and in that case it is good idea that there is a link between that two.
  3. Well , that doesn't matter as long it not too weight the program . If it is useful people will likely chose to use it or subscribe for it . For complex calculation I think people would still prefer using Excel with all their feature , but evernote as a personal note it would just need some simple calculation , rather than using calculator manually and write the value manually. That would help saving time and effort .
  4. Hi , I think it is would be cool and useful if the Table in evernote could do some basic Calculation like excel , no need so complex like what excel do , but some calculation between cell. This can Help a lot when someone want to sum the value of ingredient for example or many things that need some basic calculation . Well , that is what tables usually used for , isn't it . It would be much help rather than manually calculate the value one by one in the table . Hope you would reconsider this Idea , Thank you .
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