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Jana B

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  1. Thanks, @alexpc for sharing this tip. I may also start looking for an alternative to Evernote for the same reason. May I ask some questions about your experience with Standard Notes? What is involved in the "migration" to Standard Notes - I take it there is no import from Evernote option? Do you have to unencrypt notes in Standard Notes before being able to read them or search the contents?
  2. I totally agree. The current encryption of text is useless to me. Dear Evernote, please provide the options to (1) encrypt an entire note and (2) encrypt an entire notebook. Without this feature, I have to remove all sensitive information from Evernote - a tedious and annoying procedure (annoying because I wish it were unnecessary).
  3. I would also appreciate a way to set up an "Evernote virtual printer" on my Mac, so that I can print a PDF from any application (not just a browser) and send the file straight to Evernote. Up to now, I have achieved this in four rather frustrating steps on my Mac:- Print to PDF Specify a target folder Open Finder and open the folder I saved to Drag the PDF file into Evernote. This seems cumbersome. I have now realised I can reduce this to two steps by using the PDF pull down button on the printer interface window. For anyone else who is interested, the following video shows how you can set this up. This is still not the ideal virtual Evernote printer, but it is an improvement on what I was doing before.
  4. I appreciate the suggestion. I'll have to think on this. Most of the problem emails seem to be invoices or receipts, so I'll have to think about how to create a rule to forward them to my Gmail account - probably ideally to a separate folder, then try setting up an IFTTT script as you suggest. Kind of a skip and a jump. A nuisance, but it could work. In your opinion, do you think the problem formatting would be eradicated if I could install the Evernote add-in in Outlook? I'm guessing this must be the case otherwise there would surely be other users complaining about this same problem. My guess is that Mac users who signed up for Evernote before Microsoft removed the Store button (not so long ago) would have been able to install the Evernote add-in for Outlook, and that may explain why they never have this problem. Sigh.
  5. As per this Microsoft post , it is impossible to add add-ins to Outlook for Mac if you are using IMAP accounts. So I cannot install the Evernote add in. (I have Outlook for Mac latest version 16.11 Office 365 subscription). I can forward emails to Evernote using my Evernote email address, but sometimes the formatting is lost/distorted - on some emails from Outlook, not all. The formatting issue may be related to tables embedded in the email. The emails become almost useless because of the lost formatting in Evernote. I have raised this issue with Evernote support, but it was never resolved. I was hoping the Evernote add in might make things work better, but of course, I cannot even install it. So frustrating, as the same email works perfectly and keeps its formatting when forwarded from Gmail, but loses it when forwarded from Outlook. So it is definitely some sort of Evernote-Outlook integration issue. I seem to be up against a wall on this one.
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