The upgrade path from Evernote Legacy to the "latest version of Evernote" was entirely deceptive. I received a MacOS system message saying that Evernote Legacy needed to be updated to a "New Version of Evernote Legacy" for security reasons.
Did I get an updated version of Evernote Legacy? No. (What a shady way of forcing us on to a new app. Way to build trust, guys. Oh and look, you hid the download page at the same time. Slow clap.)
My workflow involves tabs. Tabs are a basic feature of every major notetaking app on the market — except yours.
Now I'm uninstalling Evernote and looking for an old version of Evernote Legacy. If I can't find one, I leave Evernote. Fortunately your competitors have a smooth migration pathway.
Stop forcing stupid design decisions on your users. Bring back tabs, or go away. I work on multiple notes at once. This isn't rocket science. It's a basic feature of desktop software since the 1990's.
I'm not using the latest version of Evernote. It's bloated and utterly fails at multitasking workflows. I've been a paid user since the early days, but the company is making bad decisions and this is a line in the sand.
There's a reason Legacy users exist. That fact should alarm your director of product, but it seems to escape him.
... now searching for a download link for a non-crippled version of Evernote that still has tabs.
Super annoyed.