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Posts posted by arose10

  1. Exactly.  I'm not sure why you guys are hailing the move, as if you're investors in Bending Spoons.  Who cares?  It doesn't mean we should excuse the dismal job they've done integrating their Evernote acquisition so far, or that we should not be nervous if not outright skeptical about the potential implications for Evernote going forward.

    It's been one year now.  Benefit of the doubt time is over.

    • Like 1
  2. Listen, I've worked in private equity, venture capital, and investment banking.  I've also worked in tech companies.  I know how this ***** works.  They didn't simply "have $100 million to spend," as if they're a company like Apple or Microsoft that has billions of dollars in cash stockpiled that they generated organically from operations.  (And that $100 million is now gone...into the pockets of IAC...all the restructuring and hiring will require additional outlays of capital on top of this acquisition price.)

    No, they raised $340 million from private equity investors, money that they're now under tremendous pressure to return back to those investors many times over.  (And that return of capital will likely require the company to be sold once again, to who know whichever buyer steps in next, at some point later this decade.)  This creates a lot of risk and uncertainty, and bolting on additional acquisitions only heightens that risk and uncertainty.

    I see folks in these forums who basically come across as shills for Evernote, people who have been making the same excuses that "it's just a headcount issue" or "it's just a training issue" or "they're just getting up-to-speed on the product" in the now full year since the acquisition was announced.

    Don't insult our intelligence.  A lot of us have been Evernote users and paying customers for one to two decades.  We know that product reliability has fallen off in the year since the acquisition.  We know the customer support has gone to *****.  And we know that all this has happened while prices have nearly doubled for many of us.  So, yes, it's a mess, and acquisitions like this only lessen the likelihood of this mess ever being resolved.  A company that's clearly struggling to integrate existing acquisitions going out and making additional acquisitions is rarely a good sign for customers, or for the long-term stability of the business.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  3. Here's the news...


    Of note is the fact that they're laying off all 330 employees at the acquired company, which means Bending Spoons will now be even more distracted and resource constrained at a time when they haven't even yet shown they can properly support paying Evernote customers.

    What a mess.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  4. Just wanted to chime in here that I'm having a similar and potentially related issue where "Trash" is missing from my sidebar.  I'm using the desktop app, updated to the latest version.  Sometimes it reappears, for no apparent reason, but most of the time it's gone.

    Also, just to echo what some other folks are saying, it's really disconcerting to have had BS double the subscription price, and then proceed to provide horrid customer service while producing an app that seems to be buggy and less reliable.

    • Like 2
  5. On 11/16/2023 at 12:44 PM, Boot17 said:

    @arose10 I believe you are using Evernote version 10 and having issues with the trash not showing. (This thread is about a legacy version of Evernote.)

    But, yes, other people are having issues with the trash not showing. See this thread which also links to other threads


    Thank you, @Boot17.  That's correct.  I'm using the latest desktop version.  I didn't realize this thread is only about the legacy version.

    Good to know I'm not the only one experiencing this.  I'll go over to the discussion you shared and chime in.  I appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    P.S. From another thread: you can try to shrink and again expand the left panel - 2x „opt-cmd-S“ . It may bring the full width back. Could try yet, since I am traveling at the moment, iPad only.

    Yes!  I was just coming back here to post exactly this.  I did "View > Hide Sidebar" followed by "View > Show Sidebar", and it seemed to resolve this issue, knock on wood.

    Only issue is that it seems I have to do this each and every time I use Evernote.  That is, each time I reopen Evernote, the note area is scrunched again.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Ventura caused the change - this is nothing not to expect with a piece of old code.

    From my experience there is not much of a difference for workflows with the new version, with a few exceptions (no scripting, weaker printing, tag management not supported as good).

    It just takes a little learning, and maybe a tweak here and there.

    On the other hand especially Mac users gain with the new version. Beside general improvements like tasks, we finally got nested tags on iOS as well, plus import folders on the desktop.

    Yeah, tag management is essential to my workflow.  I have probably over 1,000 tags, many of them nested multiple levels deep.  I would be screwed if this no longer works the same.

  8. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    You use the legacy version, deprecated and unsupported since 2020.

    The large space was caused by MacOS upgrading to Ventura.

    The only solution is to switch to the current EN client. You can download it from the EN website - or get it from the AppStore (my favorite is the direct download).

    Is it weird that it worked fine for almost three years and now suddenly breaks?  I'd prefer not to upgrade and have to change my workflows.

  9. 1 minute ago, N4M3Z said:

    As far as I can tell, the way the PDF is displayed is just an option that is set per attachment per note. When you import the file into the note it gets set to a default. That makes it independent on the platform. All I'm suggesting is making that default configurable (globally or per note) by adding an extra line into any configuration tab in preferences/note details. I don't intend to set development targets for Evernote here, but if it was my team and assuming all statements above hold and there are no further considerations for design, it would take 1 day for development and QA tops.

    Agreed.  And it's not like the Evernote team has been making rapid updates/fixes/improvements to the Mac app, so it's tough to make the argument that they're too busy prioritizing other things.  As far as I can tell, they've been prioritizing nothing, at least when it comes to the Mac app.

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