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Posts posted by Stoppa

  1. On 10/27/2020 at 10:52 PM, Chris Huston said:

    I think where I’m landing now is that I really want to be able to do my markup in any third party app (PDFExpert, GoodReader) and be able to save directly back into the original note (avoiding an export, edit, re-import loop).

    @Chris HustonI've worked out a halfway decent way to use GoodNotes with a separate note taking system (like Apple Notes). I'm using GoodNotes for document organisation and annotation (PDFs in particular) and OneDrive for storage (iCloud is an option). In GoodNotes I can create a shareable / external link to individual PDFs. In a note taking app, let's say OneNote for example, I'm pasting that external link into the top of the note. Now when I click / tap the link it takes me directly to the PDF in GoodNotes and I can annotate as usual and it's synced across my devices. Obviously the OneNote note is synced too.

    Does that make sense? I've been testing it this morning and it seems to be working well.

  2. 4 hours ago, Chris Huston said:

    @stoppa What’s your assessment of GoodNotes?

    @Chris Huston It's fantastic for annotating and hand writing notes with Apple Pencil. In my opinion it blows away all competition in that regard but it doesn't work as a text editor. Storage and organisation is manageable because you can create folders within folder etc and OCR searching is brilliant. Searching for notes themselves isn't so good.

    So at the moment I have a great app for annotation but not a good solution for typed notes. I really like the Apple Notes solution from @bigtelco but my wife and I have been using a shared iCloud account for years (and therefore shared Notes) so it's hard to disrupt that system. As far as I've been able to determine, you can't share a whole Apple Notes account across multiple iCloud accounts - only specific notes. If I can get around that hurdle then I won't need GoodNotes either.

    EDIT: The desktop app isn't worth anything more than viewing your files.

  3. @bigtelco Thanks so much for sharing this. You've provided an excellent summary of the issues and I feel like you've read my mind. I've been a premium member since 2012 but it's time for me to say goodbye too. I love the solution you've provided. I'm going to keep exploring GoodNotes but your explanation of Apple Notes is very compelling. Thank you thank you thank you.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Jaya Shekarraju said:

    When a pdf is copied from website and pasted, it can be pasted as a hyperlink and not as a true resource. You will not be able to annotate such pdfs. We are aware of this issue and working on improving the copy paste experience. In the meantime, as a work around, you should be able to download that pdf on to your device from the web and then attach it into Evernote. This should let you annotate it. Thank you for your patience. 

    Hi @Jaya Shekarraju. Thanks for responding. What you have described is not the issue that is being discussed in this thread. The problem is that the annotation tools are inadequate. They are a terrible step backwards in functionality which is why the users here (including myself) are saying they cannot annotate PDFs. If v10 could annotate the way previous versions could then it would be more functional and adequate. 

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  5. I view my notes in a list. When the mouse hovers over a title a tool-tip is displayed that shows the full title of the note. This obstructs the view of the title of the note above it (sometimes two notes above), which makes it hard to skim through them while running your mouse over them to make a selection. 

    See attached screenshot.

    This is affecting my productivity. It would be good if there was an option to disable the tool-tip.

    Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 4.07.33 pm.png

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  6. 13 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Maybe you should ask this in a OneNote Forum ...

    Personally I like GoodNotes 5 for handwritten annotation, and PDF Expert for the hard stuff. EN annotation for pdfs still works for me, even when there are some things missing compared to the versions before.

    Fair enough. I'll find a more appropriate forum for that question.

    How does the GoodNotes and PDF Expert work with Evernote? Do they save as normal EN attachments or are they stored elsewhere? The EN annotation on the app and Mac don't work at all for me. I can't zoom, scroll, move around et.c

  7. Before the update I could edit at attachment and after saving it would automatically update on the note. For example, I could open a Word file that was attached to a note and then edit and save it and the attachment would be updated on the note. I could safely quit Word and then come back to the note and attachment later on. When I reopened the attachment it would be exactly as I'd saved it.

    After updating I've been having lots of trouble with this. Either the attachments don't save and update on the note, or worse, they save but when you reopen them they're an older version. Twice I've lost a lot of work in Word because of this.

    Also, the warning about quitting while attachments are open seems to have disappeared.

    • Like 1
  8. There are similar threads about this. 

    Scenario 1: Evernote quits when the iPad screen is locked. For example, Evernote is open on an iPad, with a note open and being edited. The iPad automatically locks as per whatever is the general iPad setting. When the iPad is subsequently unlocked, Evernote has quit. When it's relaunched it isn't on the last note that was open. This is really frustrating when you've simply stepped away from the iPad for a moment.

    Scenario 2: Evernote quits when swapping apps. For example, Evernote is open but you switch to Safari or another app. If you're out of Evernote for more than 30-60 seconds, it has quit by the time you switch back to it. Again, frustrating because you lose where you were up to with your editing.

    It's even worse when you're doing something like annotating a PDF and you lose all of your unsaved annotations simply because you had to change apps for a moment.

    In both scenarios productivity drops enormously but frustration goes sky-high.

    This seems to be an ongoing issue that dates back a long, long time. Fixing this needs to be addressed.

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