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Posts posted by newnewyorker

  1. Duplicating notes on the PC will result in creating a copy of the note in the background. My expectation is that the new duplicated note would be brought to the foreground/becomes the active note (same behavior as IOS). This is seemingly a trivial bug, however, depending on where you are on the notes list, it might be difficult to find the duplicated notes.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, DTLow said:

    I prefix my note titles with subject date, for example: 2021-03-06 Receipt [Groceries] ...
    and simply sort by title


    Fair approach. I prefer not to do this. Relying on "Date Created" has a nice default behavior when I do not specify anything explicitly. Your approach relies too heavily on manual effort that doesn't work for my worklow. Thanks

  3. Since Evernote doesn't have custom sorting, I use a workaround where I "sort by created date" and I manually specify most of my notes "created date". While I can update my "created date" on the Mac and Windows, this is something I can't do on my IOS. Can you please add this capability? 

    I'm a premium Evernote user on Evernote 10.5.1 (1110183) IOS

  4. 10 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    so you're speaking to fellow users rather than feeding back to Evernote staff.

    @agsteele It shouldn't stop us from voicing the importance of this issue (or any issue of that matter). If EN team cares about their users, they should check and leverage content, feedback in this forum. Many companies would pay alot of money to engage their users. We give this opportunity to the team for "free".

    In addition @Shane D. asked community members to list out shortcuts that's not working for us. I also think EN team should provide better visibility over timeline for resolution, esp. with core functionalities like...writing notes.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Mark Salaets said:

    Did anyone else experience that SHIFT + ENTER does not behave the same way in the new EN version?
    Instead of (only) inserting a carriage return, it always inserts carriage return + newline.

    As a result, in lists, each time a new item (bullet, checklist, ...) is added instead of just continuing the text on a new line within the same item.

    Very, very annoying and a degradation of existing functionality.

    SHIFT+Enter works expectedly for heading, bullets now for me. I'm on:

    10.6.9-win-ddl-public (2254)
    Editor: v116.1.14913
    Service: v1.26.7
    © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

  6. 2 hours ago, Mark Salaets said:

    What version are you using? in my EN the shortcuts are not (yet) working and it says: 'You’re up to date! Evernote 10.6.9 is currently the newest version available.'.

    Keyboard shortcut works for me on this version. Maybe try re-launching, or ctrl+R (to refresh, since the app is really a website-in-a-window)

    10.6.9-win-ddl-public (2254)
    Editor: v116.1.14913
    Service: v1.26.7
    © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

  7. Evernote team, I was a long time user of Evernote. Left EN last year because of data syncing, basic note taking issues, and lack of innovation. This year, I'm interested in returning ... but it seems EN is still broken (in new ways) even in the most rudimentary cases. Any ETA on fixing this keyboard shortcut bug? Your lack of response if swaying me away from paying the premium feature, or perhaps even using EN again.  

  8. It's indeed disappointing. I was a long time Evernote user and considering on coming back. But all these paper cuts (pun intended) makes me worried. I don't want to encourage bad habits buy giving in and started paying them again. 

    I wonder if the difference is basic vs. premium. Full text indexing requires more server-side computation (and storage) than simple-filtering. Perhaps they tier the service so that basic users' content are indexed less frequently. This is 24 hours after the experiment and I can confirm the note is now showing up in search and saved search. I just wished EN team is making this an explicit behavior, so I know what to expect.

  9. I have the same issue.

    Repro steps:

    1. Create a new note titled "new note"
    2. Tag with "existing-tag"
    3. Go to All Notes - confirm that the new note is showing up
    4. Go to Tag "existing-tag" - confirm that the new note is showing up
    5. Search by keyword "new note" - confirm that the new note isn't showing up in the result
    6. Search by tag "existing-tag" - confirm that the new note isn't showing up in the result
    7. Open existing saved search by tag - confirm that the new note isn't showing up in the result

    Today, the problem is actually worse. I created a new note at 9am in the morning. The note still hasn't showed up in search yet (12 hours later).

    10.6.9-win-ddl-public (2254)
    Editor: v116.14913
    Service: v1.26.7

  10. +1

    Trying to expand this out for the Evernote developers:

    1. While editing a note, I  would press a special key [[ "bracket bracket" or @ followed by a Note title
    2. Application offers me to relevant Notes' titles. 
    3. If Note title exist, I will end up with an internal link to the note
    4. If Note does not exist, I will end up having a new note in the default Notebook.

    This feature exists on modern note taking app like Obsidian and Notion. Please add this to Evernote.

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