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About rubendny

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  1. Before "shaping the future", how about addressing issues that Evernote paid clients already have, like the Web Clip in Safari. If you pay for a service not provided, are we going to be reimbursed? There were no alerts from Evernote Mac users about this coming. We were taken by surprise but I doubt Apple took you guys by surprise, if so you really have a bad relation or "incompetence" may be the subject. Sorry to share this Web Clip comment for Mac Safari to land here but ShaneD left no room for comments or shares in an absolutist way of communication. Thank you for your time.
  2. It works with my Safari 12.1.1 without problem. What I do have and can't find is a solution for which Evernote will be able to quit on Mojave without the need to Force Quit the App.
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