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  1. Having a top tier iPhone definitely makes bad programming go away. Its no escuse for a notes app to have the performance and layout transition issues I and the OP is experiencing. I have an iPhone 8 and regret so much the upgrade to v10. I’m into evernote for 12 years! I am here to express my shock as to why a simple notes editor from a simple list fails performance review. The older version was way more responsive, performant and intuitive! How about dusting off that code and double down on these issues that are so fundamental its truly a joke. Have beta testers been given low end iPhone or what? Does Evernote Management cater to low end iPhones or not? iPhone SE for instance is the ideal one to give all programmers and designers of ios evernote to see if they are strill proud of their work…
  2. The new web version is a step back IMHO. The old design was new and inovative allowing for almost full page note editing, keeping only a column for the notes and a slim button interface to change notebooks/tag/etc that expanded on a ribbon approach. This is far superior to the new iteration with double columns for the Notebooks/Tags and Notes Items. You must understand that when using web interface we might be stuck with less screen space. The old layout was also more streamlined and clean. The approach to show only what is needed hiding some others was very appealing and I would have expected a refresh version of this, with more thought over the things that were not that good instead instead of haviing this "new" approach that basically is to look like any other OS's Client?... Why do we have to go though these major versions with major features taken back.... Also thumbnails view are there and loading time are much faster for me on Chrome on the old version. Who likes the Old Version Layout better and thinks was a step (not totally there, but in the ballpark) forward and this new one is not really moving things to a better place?
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