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Everything posted by hubieonekanubie

  1. I've not taken the time to read through every comment as it's kind of hard to get through a lot of it. I would like to request the option to password protect at the very lease individual notebooks. I'm one that uses Evernote for both personal and work use. Since my IT dept has access to log on to my computer at any time, It would be a great feature to be able to password protect the desktop app notebooks from prying eyes. I don't want to lock the entire desktop program because I use one folder where I scan my expense receipts in using scannable and that is how I do my expenses. I share the notebook with our CFO. If the App had to be locked, he would have to have access to the password. I've come to learn that as a whole if Evernote is used for personal only, or on iOS only, it's great but if you use it in a company setting, and the company allows you to use it, it is quite unsafe from others gaining access.
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