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  1. Hi @junyee2, I agree it is (always) a bit of a search to get to their 'truly get help' section. (I'm assuming it's a natural selection feature. 😉) Unfortunately my computer will not allow me to try to find the English bit. Does the link provided by @gazumped help?
  2. @donaldlang Have you checked out my post of Nov. 5th? When you contact Evernote they'll help you login.
  3. Hi @Vermeer Grange, As @PinkElephant points out, check your account and the amount of devices you're allowed to use. As for the login-issue, check my post of November 5th, 2021. Personally I'm in the proces of switching to OneNote. Not perfect either (and no perfect way to export/import) but more options a.o. regarding hierarchy. And of course the fact that you don't have to revert to dinosaur-age versioins. 😉 Good luck!
  4. Hi Neighbour, thanks for your post. That in turn made my day. 🙂 Always nice to be able to be of some help. And I TOTALLY agree with your remarks about the older version. What also turned me off of the newer version is the crosses in the checkboxes, the auto-listing with the checkboxes and the apparent disappearance of the checkbox in the edit-tab. 🙂 In case Evernote wonders why the lot of us is still using the old version. 😉
  5. I contacted Evernote (https://help.evernote.com/hc/nl/requests/new). At first they tell you you can't downgrade (and shouldn't need to because their new version is só great 😉). After letting them know I had done so in the past (using the older apk), they wrote me back saying: "Can you please provide your IP address and User Agent info so our Team can take a further look into this. Use these steps below to gather your IP address and user agent. Get your IP address using Google 1. Search "what is my IP" on Google or click here: What is my IP? 2. Copy the IP address shown in the box above the search results. 3. Paste it in the reply to this email. Get your user agent using Google 1. Search “what is my user agent” on Google or click here: What is my user agent? 2. Copy the user agent information shown in the box above the search results. 3. Paste it in the reply to this email." I did and they responded: "Thanks for your patience while we investigated this login issue. We are working on a fix now and you should be able to login within 48 hours. Please let me know if you're still unable to login after 48 hours has passed." And within 24hrs I could login again!
  6. I contacted Evernote (https://help.evernote.com/hc/nl/requests/new). At first they tell you you can't downgrade (and shouldn't need to because their new version is só great 😉). After letting them know I had done so in the past (using the older apk), they wrote me back saying: "Can you please provide your IP address and User Agent info so our Team can take a further look into this. Use these steps below to gather your IP address and user agent. Get your IP address using Google 1. Search "what is my IP" on Google or click here: What is my IP? 2. Copy the IP address shown in the box above the search results. 3. Paste it in the reply to this email. Get your user agent using Google 1. Search “what is my user agent” on Google or click here: What is my user agent? 2. Copy the user agent information shown in the box above the search results. 3. Paste it in the reply to this email." I did and they responded: "Thanks for your patience while we investigated this login issue. We are working on a fix now and you should be able to login within 48 hours. Please let me know if you're still unable to login after 48 hours has passed." And within 24hrs I could login again!
  7. And when I try to remove the numbering and number manually, it keeps making it a numbered list ....
  8. And as soon as you add lines without numbers it gets totally confused and just starts everything with '1'. And I can't 'manipulate' (like in Word where you can tell it to either 'continue' or 'start anew' with the numbers) it seems.
  9. Hi, I'm trying to use numbers in my lists to prioritize my tasks but there seem to be some issues when I try to change the order after I made the list. It feels like it has something to do when I indent 1 task as subtask. As you can see it starts numbering from '1' whereas it should say '4'.
  10. No, definitely not just you. I'm hoping for a feature where you can see/adjust that. As well as paragraphmarkers 'cause sometimes things fly all over the place and I don't know why.
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