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Posts posted by lastfreedom

  1. Hello,

    On the desktop version of the Evernote application, I am getting a dialog saying am running out of local storage place and to open up settings so that I may change the location of locally stored files. Upon doing so, I see no way to change any local directories or other way of carrying out this operation. Am I missing something?



    P.S. not sure why this form says "Post New Idea" / "Submit Idea" when am posting under "Possible Bugs/Technical Issues > General Technical Issues".


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  2. Actually, am having the same problem and my languages are already set to English. Have this on a Galaxy Tab S6 and Note 9 phone. This is particularly obvious when selecting a notebook in which to store a clipped article (from the web) or when selecting notebooks to view offline. In the former case, I either get multiple duplicates when I search for a notebook or none at all. In the latter case (searching for notebooks to make offline), the list order seems to be non-deterministic and as such not sure whether whatever bookmarking approach is used to figure out which notebooks have already been rendered will ever work. This may explain why the scrolling goes on forever and in some cases, never actually see the notebook I am looking for, yet there are multiple duplicates of other notebooks being rendered. This has been going on too long.

  3. I've been able to share two notebooks with a free account holder. However, prior to that, before any notebooks were shared, I had tried to share a single notebook but the invitation was never received by the free account holder (remained in pending state). However, when I created a new notebook and shared it, the invite was received (I transferred the notes from the old notebook to the new notebook and they became visible). I then shared the second (new-ish) notebook with the free account holder. That invite was received too. I don't know whether there's a versioning issue in play here (eg. notebooks created before a certain date are not sharable with newer versions of Evernote).

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