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Posts posted by Hanky

  1. Thanks, I appreciate your thoughts and the clarification.

    31 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    If you are not able to upgrade to the v10 app for Android or if you just prefer to use the old checkboxes then the best thing is to add a character in front of the checkbox such as:

    The new version of Evernote requires Android 9+ which is unfortunately not available for my Samsung Galaxy S7 (2016). (That's what you get for taking care of your stuff and not buying a new phone every other year...😌 Don't know who to blame the most though.. Evernote or Samsung..).


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  2. Seems to me they are letting this product die, for whatever reason. Just recently switched from PC to MAC, and was looking forward to Dark mode (which I got, and it's really nice) but at the same time losing the global keyboard shortcuts to copy text/images/files from anywhere in the OS. These hotkeys are at least 50 % of my workflow. Incomprehensible to exclude such basic functionality.

    Update 2022-04-11: Happy to see that things look a lot better now (a year and a half after I wrote the above comment) in terms of keyboard shortcuts, and also general speed of the app etc. Still miss an easy way to move around inside the app using keyboard (e.g. set focus on the notes list etc.). But at least there are more and more global hotkeys, just noted that I can now paste images directly into Evernote (for a long time this only worked with text). Thanks for you efforts. Keep it up. Cheers

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  3. Hi @jefito thanks for sharing your thoughts, these are undoubtedly valid arguments.

    From your description I realize that I use Evernote a bit differently. First of all I use the GTD method with 1-inbox, 2-next-action, 3-done [...] notebooks setup. This means I never use tags to indicate what actions "todo" etc but rather place the notes in different notebooks to keep track.

    Also I practically never delete any notes as they are all eventually archived in the notebooks 3-done or 9-archive. This way once I used a tag it will live forever since I never remove tags from notes and rarely deletes any notes.  

    So for me the option to auto remove unused tags would be practical. But it should definitely be a checkbox in the preferences, since it would not suit everyone. 

    Thanks for the tip about the "Delete all unused tags" in the help menu, I read about this somewhere else, but I am also a little bit scared of using it.. ^^

  4. It would be convenient indeed if the unused tags automatically disappeared.

    As for now, every time you misspell a tag and and accidentally press enter, you have to manually go and delete that tag in the tags list, or else that faulty tag will be suggested every time you start writing the correct tag.

    Hope there one day will be an option to change this behavior. 

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