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Everything posted by marctampa

  1. So here's what I just came up with, because I've been wanting to declutter my Evernote but still maintain some organization should I need the notes later on. I use Dropbox for many things, so I have created a Dropbox folder called Evernote Archives. In that folder, I have subfolders using the name of the Notebook in Evernote that I want to archive. Since Evernote only lets you archive Notes and not Notebooks, I wanted some way to keep these organized like I had in Evernote should I ever need to bring them back. In cases where I am using Notebook Stacks, I create a folder in Dropbox with the name of the Notebook Stack, and then have subfolders in there named after each Notebook in the stack, and then export the Notes to the appropriate folder in Dropbox. I'm really good about using notebooks to organize projects, topics, etc., especially since I do some consulting work as well as teaching. Here's a real case that I just did. I have Client ABC that I did some work for a while back, but I don't have any work coming up with them for the foreseeable future. I have a Notebook Stack for Client ABC, so let's call that ABC Notebook Stack. In the Notebook Stack, I have Notebooks by major area of the project such as Technology Requirements, User Interviews, Software Solution Research, Cost Estimates, etc., and each of those Notebooks has a bunch of Notes within them. As I start to archive this information, I'll create the following foldersin Dropbox: Dropbox/Client ABC Subfolders: Dropbox/ClientABC/Technology Requirements (all of the Technology Requirements notes get archived here) Dropbox/ClientABC/User Interviews (all of the notes from the User Interviews folder get archived here) You get the idea after this. The notes are very easy to import back into Evernote, but when you do, you'll want to make sure that you set up your Notebooks agan in Evernote so you know where to put them. Something really cool about exporting and importing is that if you use Tags with your Notes, the Tag data gets exported with your Notes which can serve you well later for searching. I hope you find this helpful.
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