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Everything posted by jeffchr

  1. Thanks @s2sailor. I've heard of others having to do this, but somehow managed to avoid this situation for decades until now. Appcleaner seems to have worked. Appreciate the quick reply.
  2. OS: Sonoma 14.6.1 Evernote: both 10.100.1 and 10.101.7 Evernote app will not operate at all for me. Have been a daily user and paying customer since 2008 and have many thousands of notes. Opening the app yields a partial EN window and the attached dialog. All menu options are disabled, including saving logs. I have updated the app from 10.100.1 to 10.101.7 and get the same behavior. Error text in the EN window: Unexpected Application Error! Loading chunk 6660 failed. (timeout: app://evernote/6660.js). The stacktrace is shown in second image. I would copy/paste it, but the window is disabled with the modal dialog present, so I can't select any text. FWIW, using the web interface works fine, and I have a laptop (OS 14.5, EN 10.96.5) that works fine in the Mac app. I've disabled automatic app updates on the laptop to avoid this problem from infecting both machines. So, I'm hopeful that this problem is constrained to the Mac app and not corrupting the note data. Anyone else seeing this?
  3. I will join the chorus of frustration here. Have been a paying subscriber to EN for over a dozen years, and this bug is making me consider changing to something different. The core of the app is to take notes and read them. I can't do either of those things when it comes up blank. Can't tell you how many times I've joined a call, pull up EN to write notes, only to have to frantically quit, restart it, re-assemble all the windows I had open, etc. PLEASE, stop with the redesigning of the app home page which I never look at, and make the app work for its core function. This has been going on for months. I would paste in the version of EN I'm running (on Catalina 10.15.7), but even the "About Evernote" window is blank. So, there you go.
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