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Posts posted by Tengil

  1. Thanks for the much needed help all of you!

    What I'm specifically wondering is if it's possible to keep using 7.14 (EN for Mac) and install the new app side-by-side to see whether or not I want to start using it? Or will 7.14 (most likely?) disappear as soon as I install the new app and then I need to go back and install the Legacy App? Any reason to stick with 7.14 and not trust Legacy in the same way I trust 7.14? My iOS experience after the update has been completely awful so far so I'm very reluctant to just blindly update the desktop app on a whim - my Evernote workflow that's 10 years in the making is at stake here...

    And everyone referring to the Legacy Version - my understanding is that Legacy is just an interim solution during the transition to the inevitable New Evernote, and not a more permanent alternative...? How long are you expecting Legacy to be around? 

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