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James C.

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Everything posted by James C.

  1. Things working for one user does not imply they work universally. Perhaps I'm confusing the creation and modification dates with user-entered dates. If so, many apologies. I'm well-aware that I might be wrong. The idea that “legacy is off the point” is preposterous. Software I've been using for over a decade continues to work more slowly and with less functionality than the legacy client. You may be enjoying the time of your life with your setup. My 11 year old 15" Retina MacBook Pro had better response times / searches / and interoperability than the current version does on my 2023 14"" MacBook Pro. My fibre internet 500MBS is not the issue insofar as the data all residing in the cloud is a bottleneck. I'm genuinely pleased that Evernote works fine for you, Pink Elephant. I like the company and the idea. I subscribe to keep it going. But I'm not going to pretend that the last few years have been a positive step in the development of something which was clearly superior for my needs in the past. Attached is a screenshot of a note I just made, then changed the creation date to 2022-10-09 for illustration. I assure you the localization of my computer is not US-format and that every application except Evernote respects the date format. I use a text expansion utility, TextExpander, to make sure that dates are entered in yyyy-mm-dd since it is literally beyond the capability of Evernote's latest version to customize the date format. And "in the name of simplicity" is no way to justify removing international language support in a notekeeping application. If I offended you, Pink Elephant, I apologize. It was never my intent. I want better for Evernote users. I'd like the company to stay in business.
  2. More than a year later, and it's the same thing on macOS and the online version. What's most annoying is that the legacy client had no such issue. It's almost like the developers no longer care about people or their data.
  3. My experience is that very simple filenames succeed on the first sync. Unusual characters and punctuation, legitimate on MacOS, usually don’t survive the first sync. Recent updates to the client make it only two renamed to success. It used to be more. Thing is, if the rename option worked, then this wouldn’t be an issue. It should be up to the EN program to rename the file attachment, sync, and verify — not me, and not every time. Just because it works for many users most of the time doesn’t mean this isn’t a bug worth fixing.
  4. If you contact support, they’ll have you uninstall the client, update the OS, reinstall the client, and try myriad options — all of which result in the same behavior after years of people pointing it out. You can spend more time chasing down their troubleshooting advice than just living with the inconvenience. Sadly they are not willing to believe it occurs or that it could be their program causing the problem.
  5. I have been having the same problem in the EN version of Evernote for years. Sometimes the rename works on the first attempt. Most of the time, it takes at least three attempts. Occasionally, it's been more than four.
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