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Ricardo Oliveira

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Everything posted by Ricardo Oliveira

  1. Could you please help me in an issue with Evernote?

    I'm trying to send some of my e-mails to Evernote, as a note and using the Evernote e-mail address defined in my account. 

    I can do it with a new e-mail that I create in Outlook and I can do it with other e-mails that I simply forward to the Evernote e-mail address. 

    Nevertheless there is one particular e-mail that I cannot receive in Evernote. I forward it as I do with the others, it appears on the "Send" paste of Outlook but it never appears in Evernote.

    Could you please help me with this issue?


    Thank you very much,

    Ricardo Oliveira 


    1. gazumped


      Hi Ricardo.  There's no obvious reason why one email address should fail while others work fine,  but it could be that the email service you're using for that email is coding the content in some way that Evernote's mail software doesn't like,  or their spam filter is preventing the email getting through.  If you're using a company email service,  the company firewall might block emails to Evernote,  or treat the outgoing email as potential spam too.

      The best folks to help you with this are Evernote support - they can check the email system from their end to see whether the emails were blocked for some reason.  When you contact support I'd suggest you give the name of the email service you're trying to use.

      I hope they can help - let me know what they find!


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