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Susan Abramson

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  1. That is ridiculous. I only kept trying because it wasn't changing anything. I was still unable to log in! Also, I was initially unaware that there was a limit to "revokes" as if I had known, I would have sought other help...but that wasn't readily available. I am happy that you responded to my concern. Do you have another idea that can bypass this issue, as I need access to my info immediately. I don't think it's right that I have to spend $ that I don't have just to access MY info. Basically hijacking my property.
  2. Same issue here. Can't log in from any device...so checked "my devices" and it said I reached limit. I tried to download app to my new computer and got the pop-up. Tried to revoke (I think we used to be able to have 2 devices, but it seems Web access is counted as a device?) So, I revoked access (and deleted the newly downloaded app) and only kept my mobile and web. Guess what? I can't access on either . Says same "over limit" message. I DID receive email confirming revoked device...yet it was still on my list as active. Now I get message saying I have reached my limit of revoked devices in a year!!! Now I have ZERO access to my files!
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