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Everything posted by BlueCat57

  1. I'm setting up Shopping Lists for specific stores using Check Boxes. This is really my first attempt at using Evernote for anything other than storing stuff I want to read later (and never do). I'll come back if I get Location based reminders to work using one of these two suggestions. But for now if you are interested you'll need to try them out for yourselves. 1. Article on how to use Evernote with Google Keep. http://www.zdnet.com/article/i-finally-figured-out-how-to-use-google-keep-with-evernote/I need to reread the article but a quick glance seems to indicate that you can tie an Evernote note to Keep and then Keep will provide a location based reminder. 2. IFTTT (now just IF) - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/85323-recurring-daily-task-list-how-to-setup/From this thread I'm guessing that if you use IF with Evernote, IF might be able to kick off a reminder based on location. I have never used IF, and based on what I know about it the learning curve can be steep, so it will take me some time before I can experiment with it. Sorry I can't be more definitive. Right now I can print out a copy of my pre-made Shopping List, check the items I need and drive to the four stores I shop for several weeks in less time than it will take me to figure out how to make a Shopping List in Evernote and set up some sort of location based reminders. While this will be nice, I still haven't figured out how to use the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (the ability to take a note with the screen off is what sold me) so an Evernote based Shopping List with Location Reminders is way down the To Do List.
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