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Everything posted by spoonacular

  1. Hello all! Apologies for commenting on an old thread, but we finally got around to making spoonacular's food app a better Evernote food replacement. You can add the pictures of what you eat at home or at a restaurant and we use geolocation to place the meal on a world map. You can give every meal a grade and add comments, and then you can search for "burger" or "cheesecake" to see all the burgers/cheesecakes you've added. Could be fun to keep track of the best food in your city or to find the best burger in the world if you're careful not to give an A+ too easily Unfortunately it's only available for Android right now, but we'll be updating our iOS app soon. We would really appreciate any feedback and feature requests, as it's a REALLY basic version and we want to add more in time.
  2. Hm, photojournaling is out of our scope, but we envision ourselves as a food management platform where you can find, save, and eventually add notes (particularly for restaurants) to track the food you eat, whether on the meal planner for nutritional purposes or simply within your profile so you don't buy the same dark chocolate bar that you tried and didn't really like several months ago but since forgot about (am I the only one with this problem?!) The same would absolutely apply to restaurants once we get there. I'll be keeping all these features you're missing in mind
  3. I would love for you all to check out spoonacular - we don't (yet) have a restaurant component and our apps are currently in redevelopment, so it's admittedly not a perfect replacement at our current stage. However, the new apps will be out before Evernote Food ceases to function, and restaurant data will be added later this year to complete our trifecta (recipes, store bought products, and restaurants). We're always interested in user feedback and are happy to adapt our platform to add missing features, and I suspect we'll be faster than anything crowdfunded now For anyone interested: spoonacular.com
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