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About Pastafarian

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  1. There is ABSOLUTELY no way that the new version should have been released without this function. Removing it was foolish and will hurt your business. That I'm forced to sideload an older version is to maintain functionality is absurd . Do you think I or anyone else pissed about this removal of a vital feature are going to speak well of the service to others? I am once again after many years considering other services to replace Evernote in my life. This didn't have to be!
  2. Added a true dark mode, GREAT (finally) . Dark Widgets that used to exist? GONE! Launcher shortcuts, useful for accessing specific notes or in my case, having a shortcut that scans receipts and files them in the proper notebook? GONE. This was the most used thing in Evernote for me! Just about daily, I scan receipts and now I need to start the camera, scan, then move the note instead of pressing one button. Not earth changing, but it was something I valued and that I used to show others why they should consider this service. I've been a paid user since 2009 and haven't looked at alternatives for years, that changes today. Maybe I stay because like in the past, nothing else works for me, BUT Iif this simple functionality wasn't removed? I wouldn't be looking at all!
  3. I can't fathom that this issue still exists. If I scan a business card in the Android app, it creates a note with a small 'notes' field. When I try to edit that note in the latest 6.8.1 windows app, it won't let me because it says the card scan note was created by another app? As in 'Evernote'? To add to the frustration, that small note field is useless too, when typed in inside the windows app it randomly moves the cursor in front of the first word, creating wonderful word salad if you don't stay on top of it. The workaround is to create another note and merge, but that's more work that shouldn't be necessary and a messy note with my personal 'notes' in 2 different locations. I'm forced to do additional editing that I shouldn't have to.
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