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Posts posted by OrbWeaver

  1. Oh, well. It's back to 6.16.4 again.

    Paste & Match Style still doesn't match style in even the most basic paste.

    A very simple line of text. Note there are 10 "A", 5 "B", and 10 more "A" (that's a rough count, my eyes are tired.



    I highlight the 5 "B" characters and "Copy" and immediately "Paste & Match Style".

    One would expect the line to have zero changes. The cursor hasn't moved, the text hasn't changed, there should be NO changes at all. So how come ...



    ... the text has changed? My eyes must be getting worse than ever because I could swear the original was all on the one line. I guess it's time for new glasses.


  2. 21 minutes ago, JoseVS said:

    normal paste is okay. A "Paste and Match Style" will net you a line break/carriage return.

    I was just about to clarify my post to note this. I had the "switch Ctrl-V / Ctrl-Shift-V" option turned on. I'm not sure what "style" the extra CRLF is matching but it makes it unusable for me. Version 6.14.x works so that's where I'll be staying.

    It may be a small thing but notes look really ugly with those extra line breaks and they sure mess up URLs.


    • Like 1
  3. I skipped 6.17 completely because I had too many problems with it and just now tried 6.18 B3.

    Is there a reason it inserts an extra carriage return on every paste operation? For instance, take the words

    Testing one two three

    I select the "two" (only those three letters) and copy. I then instantly paste and the result is

    Testing one two


    It always gives me that extra return. I've reverted to 6.16.4 again as I do lots of cut/paste and fixing them takes too much time. The older versions don't have this issue. I won't call it a problem or a bug because it may be on purpose. I just don't know why.

  4. 3 hours ago, jefito said:

    This has presumably been fixed in the 6.18 beta, at least it's in the release notes

    Oops. No it hasn't. Just tried to attach an image (via "Attach File") and while I was at the very bottom of the note , EN thought it would look better a few paragraphs up in the middle of a sentence. Oh well, back to 6.16.4. It has the same problem but it's a bit less likely to misplace the attachment.

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/4/2019 at 10:47 AM, rimboma said:

    The thing is, for the drag&drop to work properly I have to place the text cursor where I need the image first

    I found a simple workaround to this as it has been a real problem for quite some time. Just stick 30 or 40 blank lines in the note, close to where you want the attachment to go. Drag-and-drop the attachment somewhere in this blank area. It won't be anywhere close to where you dropped it but if you are really, really lucky it will be in that monster blank area. Then just delete the blank lines you don't need.

    May not be a sensible way of curing the problem but it's faster than waiting for EN to fix it. I've got about 1500 notes I need to format so adding and then deleting 40-50 thousand blank lines is all I can do. As was said earlier by someone, EN likely won't be doing anything about it any time soon.

    As well, when the attachment goes somewhere totally bizarre, just hit Ctrl-Z to remove it and try again. I found that after doing this a few dozen times it will usually attach where your cursor is, but you may have to try/retry a few hundred times. Eventually it will work. So what if it takes a week to enter a single note. Who's in a hurry?

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/2/2019 at 11:39 AM, Brallan said:

    Has anyone been able to decide that this product is (reasonably) safe or not?

    I looked at it and even went so far as to pay for a year's subscription. Then I got to work at transferring some data. Uggh. Their formatting is horrible (Evernote's editor is not that great but shines compared to what Nimbus does. One example - do an indent on Nimbus and it adds a non-removable blank line before the indent.) It's basically ugly. If you read their documentation you may notice it has that translated feel to it. As if the original Chinese writing was translated by somebody not fluent in both languages.

    I've got the account but won't be using it. I just don't trust them to be around for long and I'm nervous about who they really are and where they're from. Can anybody name a country that's famous for producing shoddy knock-offs of every successful product?

    At the very least, it feels like an Alpha product that may or may not get to the Beta stage. It's close to Beta but still far from a GA release by Evernote standards. I looked at them all and EN wins every time. It's far from great in a lot of ways but for my purposes there's no alternative.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just got some brand new (to me) messages from EN on my Android phone saying it had found new photos containing text and would I like to save them to EN. Huh??? Does every photo I take (or just put on the phone) get sent to EN for analysis? Can this be turned off? If I load 13000 new photos (as I did a week or so ago) will my phone be unusable until this examination is complete? Am I overly paranoid? Well, as to the latter, that's not possible in this day and age of FB and UA type stuff. But what about this examining of all my photos? Where is this examination being done? When was I asked if this would be OK? I never would have renewed my premium (or any) subscription if I knew I couldn't have EN on my phone(s) and if it's going to be watching everything I do, I can't have it on my phone(s).

    • Like 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, EdH said:

    Like it or not, Office sort of sets the expectation here, and "Paste as Text" means text only, and that is what you get and users clearly understand everything but the text (ASCII) is stripped out. Clean and simple.

    The other app that sets expectations is Chrome with its "paste as plain text." Again, no ambiguity there at all.

    For me, the consistency is the most important consideration. As long as Chrome, Firefox, Opera and whatever else is out there all render the headers (H1/2/3 etc.) in exactly the same way, then I will know what I can expect to see when I Paste-and-Match-Style while retaining headers. If different browsers use a different font for a particular header or the size is going to vary, or this uses blue and that uses green, then it's a waste of time to retain them. The paste operation will not be predictable and the user will have to spend their time making things look the way they want. If Google/Mozilla/Opera/?? all agree that H1 is 24pt, Times, blue with pink stripes and a maple leaf dotting the i's and j's, then keep the headers. The paste will be predictable.If not, lose them.

  9. 2 minutes ago, EdH said:

    If they keep hyperlinks, they should keep feature X, Y, and Z too. 

    Either it is text, or it is mystery meat.

    I don't suppose it much matters as long as we know exactly what is going to be pasted in every time. It can't be pasting one thing this time and then look different the next time we grab something. It's either match style or not, as long as it's consistent. I'd prefer text only just because I then know exactly what to expect. When I have to sit and figure out what just caused things to get screwed up, it's a pain. Was it a header that changed everything in my spacing? Did a hyperlink just send me to never-never-land? Where did those extra lines come from? Just keep it consistent and people might adapt. Maybe. Possibly. Sorta. Kinda.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, tavor said:

    It's such a basic and I would imagine often-used feature that having this error in a GA release makes me wonder if EN employees use Evernote betas for their own work. Seems they wait for GA releases like most users, because there's no way this bug could have survived beta testing if most EN employees used betas for their own work.

    I would hope EN employees do not use Beta versions for their work. Betas are for testing, NOT live work and using them for that can, and probably would, cause major problems. EN has enough problems that they don't need to create more by using beta software for real-world work.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, xaa said:

    I've just updated to and have the same issue with the copy/paste in plain text.  This make Evernote useless for me. How to reinstall previous version, please ?

    You might consider keeping previous versions of all installers but for now, version 6.5.4 is still downloadable from http://download.cnet.com/Evernote/3000-2381_4-10425994.html

    EN might also make earlier versions available for those who don't keep them.

  12. I'm fortunate in that I have a spare, "Test" system kicking around that I can run 6.6 on and use my free account. I create a note template with whatever tables and formatting I want and then just export this template. Importing into an earlier version on my premium account (I still mostly use 6.3.3) keeps everything as it was and I have my 6.6 table in 6.3. True, if I want to make changes to the templates I have to go back to the test system, but after a few go-rounds I generally have things the way I want them and can ignore 6.6 until I need something else that 6.3 won't do. And there's really not that much I need to do that it can't do.

    If 6.6 is not working for you, don't use it. Stick with whatever works. EN isn't (I hope) going to flick a kill switch and disable earlier versions and force everybody to switch tomorrow, so sit back, use what works, and eventually 6.6 will be perfected. Probably around the time 6.7 beta 1 comes out. :)

    At least they are doing something.

    MS has pretty much killed OneNote by not taking it seriously enough to make it useful for more than grandma's recipes, so EN is all we've got. Personally, I'm quite happy to wait at 6.3.3 until 6.6 does things I need to do in a more reliable fashion.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, tavor said:

    I suppose it depends on what greater number of users want. My preference is strip out the formatting, but keep the information, and hyperlinks are information (an information preserving alternative would be plain text followed by a url, but I think we can all agree that would be inferior to a hyperlink).

    Bold, italic, underlined, color, big, little. These are all information the creator is trying to pass on the the reader. I admit there are times I want to copy a hyperlink. For those times I use Ctrl-V. Mostly I want to get riid of them. I just want the stupid waybill number, not a link to a tracking webpage.

  14. On 8/3/2017 at 6:04 PM, tavor said:

    As I recall v6.5 (and all prior versions) stripped out hyperlinks when using CTRL+SHIFT+V. So retaining hyperlinks is a nice feature improvement in v6.6, provided they can fix it so that CTRL+SHIFT+V works as intended.

    I guess I misunderstood the whole purpose of Ctrl-Shift-V. I thought it was intended to remove everything except the text. No font, no bold, no italic, no color, no hyperlink, no nothing except the text. I can see a gazillion options needed here with people wanting text with the italic but no bold, and others wanting text with all font stuff but no hyperlinks, and those who don't want the font to be maintained but do want hyperlinks. How about Ctrl-V equals keep it looking like it did at the source, and Ctrl-Shift-V meaning make it look the same as the existing stuff I'm pasting it into. Just like it used to work.

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