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Everything posted by ABCDemas

  1. Ah...you are correct. So you have to go to each original note and use the SHARE button again and copy that link. I see what you mean. When I hover over it you see the URL instead of the name of the note. That is a pain but it is the workaround. The challenging thing is there is no VISUAL CUE in MY Evernote note that I have or have not done it correctly (other than hovering over it). ENHANCEMENT IDEA, please. But now when I email and test as a non-Evernote user, I see the link is PURPLE for them instead of green. I updated and all works but it isn't a seamless process. I hope this can be an enhancement.
  2. Hi. I used Evernote to create a note/report for each coaching session I have with clients. They do NOT have Evernote and I do not expect them to. So I SHARE links with the coaching participant. But then I share the link with their leader as well since the leader has paid for my services. All works well as I share the link for each person's notes in an email. Well...when fully done, I want to provide a MASTER NOTE with a table of links to ALL the participant's notes. So I share that note and they can OPEN the Master Note, but then when they click on any link inside the note it takes shows them a page to log in or create a note. It simply doesn't work anymore. Why is this happening? The whole purpose is to allow an easy place to store the notes for them. It is like the person cannot access "sub note links" inside the master note. YET...if I send a note to a person and have a sublink the sublink to the backnote works. Why is it not working in each instance?
  3. Just this week I am having issues with the "duplicate note" function. Some notes will not duplicate and others will. What is the cause and resolution for this? Thank you.
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