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Posts posted by enquirer44

  1. Seems we have various threads here and it's becoming complicated following what this is supposed to be about. Can the AI lot take a hike? The History of EN users set up a new thread? This is what moderators (good ones) do for a bustling Forum, but I guess there aren't any here.


    lykov: functionality, output, format, design are probably the most crucial  things which would justify using anything like EN, otherwise, yes, why not go back to typewriters? Before EN, and even before that, I wrote in notebooks. They're still in my office under 6 inches of dust and I really need to dispose of them before they become part of my legacy. We're not clerks; this isn't a filing system it's a retrieval mechanism. Contextual note searches, tagging etc could, if used properly, improve the way we write, create or implement a project. That's what this is about, why it's important and why this discussion has merit. There are, I think, many more fundamental questions which might be considered as 'features' albeit they're not really anything more than refining the thought processes. Let's take tagging: why tag? What with? What's the result? Using my WP example above - this now comes with 'affinitomics' - which will be an improvement. [ Learning doesn't have to mean AI for those contributors still around ]. And, my other example of 'Popular Posts'. Whose counting? Certainly not me, but its relevance is astonishing. I can't think of a specific example where EN has helped me creatively (eg helped me come up with an idea), even if I hope to use it for just that - somehow my brain still functions better. I do know that I have used it extensively to store and retrieve snippets of code, quotations etc which has streamlined my work process and I ain't going back to notebooks.

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  2. I am not here to defend WP just offer up an idea. But with 75+million websites worldwide I think you are carping. There are ways to beef up security. It isn't less secure than other internet options where security is pretty much in the hands of the developer.


    It wasn't me that found fault with EN's support but others on this Forum. Support is available for WP and its plugins on all sorts of BBSs etc etc.

  3. Apologies if you can't open the link I posted - here is my project:


    First: the real reason why I don’t want to use Evernote any more – aside from productivity issues and let’s face it nothing can be all things to all men (and women) so that was never an issue for me, is that I don’t want to put all of my precious notes into a system which I can never leave. There is no adequate system for converting out of EN. So that’s it as far as I am concerned and, in fact, it was this thread on the Forum which got me thinking about all of this and I was surprised to find such vehement detractors of EN here.


    I have developed an ‘application’ using a CMS install (WordPress) and their Android WP application. This isn’t going to suit everyone for obvious reasons but it also introduces some very nice features which I wish EN employed eg Random notes (those ones you saved eons ago and might wonder why and a good way of maintaining a DB which has accumulated a lot of fluff?), most popular notes (handy auto-shortcuts), infinite widgets, indexing etc. The ingenuity of presentation/capture/filing is only limited by the plugins available (how many are there now?). In any case I prefer to use dedicated cameras/recording devices/reminders (Google) etc and either leave them where they are zapped or ‘share’ them up to the site. I was potentially going to make a Zip file of a design with some plugins etc which people might test – but I’m still shuffling stuff around.


    A cost-effective solution would be to combine a WP install using DigitalOcean’s Droplet (https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=98753a8ae9d4 – please use my referral). The advantages:

    * As more people use this more solutions will become available (and fast)
    * The solution is infinitely extensible
    * Cost-effective
    * Portable and exportable !!
    * designed the way you want – for example, my home page is a list of my tasks
    * menus you want
    * functionality you need
    * OpenSource
    * Support (one of the big issues on the Forum)
    * Secure
    * Easy backups


    Currently I can do everything I was using EN for with these added advantages and also knowing that I am in control of its trajectory. It’s just a slow process copying it all over…

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